Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

The Power of GREEN Taking Action as the Holy Spirit

Those who seek signs typically have a defined image of how they expect signs to be received. If a signal is sent to them that does not meet their expectations, it will be completely ignored by souls of little faith. Epiphanies, from nature, are in the ethers all around us; awaiting our discovery. Slip into this pool of power and YOU will be richly rewarded.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

The Power of Dragon Symbols

Dragon symbols have been used by both the Dark and the Light for millennia. As a mystical creature, the dragon has been prized for its imagery, often associated with power, force, and might. Unfortunately, the dark occult has misused dragon imagery to provoke fear under the guise of human sacrifice and control. As we continue to transform the darkness into the light of the Golden Age on Terra, let us now reflect and revisit the purity of truth hidden within the nature of the Dragon and what that means in our present lives.

Image courtesy of Dragon Muse Artworks

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Quantum Breath - The Living Breath of Mother Sophia

Through the power of your breath, you can align your pineal gland with the pituitary gland creating an alchemical union between the two hemispheres of the brain. Do this with intention to create Quantum Breath.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Roar in Love

Yeshua shares his wisdom about the upcoming Lion’s Gate portal through a message I received August 3, 2023. In it, he asks all of us to roar for the peace of love and loving one another Click “Read More” for the full message.
Post image can be found at

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

New Moon Doorway to The Lion’s Gate Ascension, 2023

We must all INNERstand what is happening NOW! Every day from June 17, 2023 until August 8, 2023, you will be asked to be THE ARCHITECT of your own ascension. You are NOW being given key codes for Ascension. Please read and STAND in your power. STAND, spelled backwards is DNA + S for Kundalini Ascension. The dark has always wanted you to Under Stand. NOW, IT IS THE TIME TO OVER AND INNER STAND AND ASCEND their dark mirror manipulation. Click “Read More” to access the Blog.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

The Five Platonic Solids and the Five Archangels of the Spiritual Heart Rays

The Archangels that guard the five secret rays of the spiritual heart, as the Five Platonic Solids, are the purifiers of the energy of the seven seals that form the Tree of Life, known as our human spine, neck and skull. The seven Archangels of the physical body of the Son/Sun work in harmony with the Archangels of the sacred geometry of the heart. The perfection of the geometry of Heaven mirrors in all of us as the divinity of evolution and balanced return to the cosmic mind of Creator God. As humans, we are facets of our “Diamond of Perfection” infused with DNA wisdom; This wisdom, as spectrums of universal consciousness, is in alignment with the original blueprint of our creation by the Creator. Click “Read More” to learn the mystical understanding of Archangel Uzziel, Archangel Tzaphquiel, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Metatron as the Guardians of the Five Platonic Solids.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel is the angel of wisdom and beautiful thoughts. He serves the Creator to amplify the Christ Consciousness of every man, woman, child, and elemental on this planet. Wisdom is the enlightenment in the understanding of cosmic law and the sacredness of the organic geometry that expands the universe into all that is good. Archangel Jophiel is the guardian of the Crown Chakra. The Crown Alpha Chakra works in coordination to balance the Omega Root Chakra. When the energy of these two chakras is fully open as the outer ring of the causal body, the “City-Four Square” base of the Pyramid of Life is fully secure, and the Temple of Wisdom has been rebuilt by the Kundalini energy. When Archangel Jophiel appears as a recommendation on my reading table, it is a message to clear the mind of unnecessary clutter in ego thoughts and connect with the soul. The chatter that is the illusion of drama in everyday life, can hinder and distract the mind with feelings of separation from the spiritual realm. Archangel Jophiel reminds my clients to clear their space and allow the purity of each element of the self to organize in patience and order. Stress can manifest as the frustration over a lack of new ideas or situations. Archangel Jophiel offers relief by reminding everyone to appreciate what is already a natural talent. As a natural being, true appreciation of what is significant in life is within sight in one's personal creative vision. Click “Read More” for additional wisdom on the Guardian of the Crown of Consciousness.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is known as the angel of healing. The name Raphael means God has healed or God's medicine. Archangel Raphael cares for the immaculate concept of every man, woman, and child on this planet. As universal beings, humanity has divine proportions and ratios. Every angel in the angelic realm is taught that every human being is born completely divine and pure through their sacred geometry of perfection. It is in their counsel, that the appreciation of this divinity grows in our hearts to also respect all sentient and flourishing life on this planet, and the miracle that encompasses all of nature. When Archangel Raphael appears as a recommendation on my reading table, it is time to receive angel therapy by accepting not only his help, but the help of the angelic realm in general. Although Archangel Raphael is the guardian of the Third Eye Chakra, other angels are willing to help remove burdens away. This assists in the growth and restoration of the pineal gland which is the center of intuition and psychic perception. Click “Read More” for more healing information about the sacred geometry of this amazing Archangel of Light.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is known as the defender of the faith and the angel of deliverance. He is the most revered of the archangels in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptures and traditions. He is also known as the “Prince of the Archangels and the Host of Angels.” Archangel Michael helps to serve as a protector against the evil projections imposed upon humanity. Believers call his blue flame of protection against the Laggards and Luciferians on the earth plane. His blue flame can cut and blaze any negative manifestation, and his very name terrorizes dark entities. Archangel Michael will always protect against lower energies. There is no greater peace than knowing that your body (sacred space) is guarded and protected by the power of the Creator's Blue Flame of Truth. Click "Read More" to learn about the magnificence of this Archangel and the sacred geometric qualities that make him a leader over all the other Archangels.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel is known as the "Angel of Love and Peaceful Relationships". He teaches and protects the qualities of compassion and loving kindness toward others. Archangel Chamuel hears and sees the injustices committed by fallen angels. However, he encourages humanity to replace anger at injustice with a supreme trust that divine love is the ultimate solution. To grow the divine flame of love in the hearts of humanity is to allow the Holy Spirit to teach all people aspects of the unconditional love of Deity. The Divine Flame of Love, also called the Three-Fold-Flame of Love/Wisdom/Power, is the journey of connecting the physical heart with Spirit. When Archangel Chamuel appears as a recommendation on my reading table, he stands ready with Charity (his twin flame) to expand my client's flame of worship and move the heart in appreciation of personal creative powers that may be overlooked when love injuries/traumas have disappointed or created sadness. Click “Read More” to learn about the sacred geometry of this amazing archangel and other wisdom I have received from my guides on this topic.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Zadkiel

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the Angel of Transmutation, the Angel of the Violet Flame, and the Angel of Mercy. His intercession and call to action with the Violet Flame can flood our physical bodies with positive and renewing awakening effects. When Archangel Zadkiel appears on my reading table (his solfeggio frequency is the note of RE), it is a message that whatever is perceived as past hurts or injustices, needs to be transmuted (returned to TAU, the center of perfection of our being). Archangel Zadkiel encourages people to choose forgiveness and to heal emotional wounds. By releasing the emotional body of these hurts (hertz), mercy and compassion break the energetic transgression bonds between two parties. This RE-ALIGNS, RE-MOVES, and RE-LEASES the body into a state of F-REE-DOM . To love is to RE-TURN all cells back to their perfection in frequency, and cellular structure which heals all aspects of the self emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Read more here and learn other Sacred Geometry associated with this Angel of Healing and Transformation.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Gabriel

The title of Archangel Gabriel is the "Angel of Purity". As the guardian of the Base of the Spine Chakra, he guards the City Four-Square, or the blueprint of the causal body upon incarnation. The City Four-Square is the foundation of the pyramid of consciousness that will grow the walls of the mental (air), emotional (water), physical (earth), and spiritual (fire) bodies upon embodiment. When Archangel Gabriel appears on my reading table, it is a message that Gabriel is ready to help clear confusion and achieve successful communication with colleagues, family, or peers. Most importantly, he offers help in establishing a positive dialogue for successful parenting. This angelic host protects, anchors, and reminds children of their highest and best talents. This article also includes the sacred geometry of Archangel Gabriel and other useful information for working with his energy.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel is a powerful angel that is known for his peaceful counsel and wisdom. Archangel Uriel is a wayshower that can transform our understanding of situations and provide clarity for a higher, enlightened perspective. As an archangel of light, he prepares the unfolding of light within each soul. He is the Archangel of the Sixth Ray, which guards the dawning of the Christ Consciousness in humanity and elemental life. He works with the Solar-Plexus Chakra to ignite the highest potential in every situation. Read more and find his sacred geometry alignments with elements, planets, frequencies and essential oils.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Ascension is the Event that Serves To Mark a Passage from one Stage of Life to Another

ASCENSION is expanded consciousness. Expanded consciousness is the way out of the matrix. Are you enjoying the contrast of your time and place? The adventure of divinity attainment lies before you. Ascension is all about the awakening of a species to the LoVe that they are. Everyone gets to decide which adventure they want to be moving forward. These insights will help kick-start the transformation of your Ascension into the 5th Dimension.

Expand with ascension consciousness.
Which “reality” do you want to harmonize with?
Go with GOD!

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

What is Sacred Geometry?

I AM often asked by clients and friends to define Sacred Geometry. In this quick explanation and summary, I define basic principles on the subject. Sacred Geometry is YOU in ratio and divine proportion expressed by Creator. Learn more here and remember your perfection.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer


Ego vs. Soul is a short, but powerful message. It is a reminder of how we can all reflect on our growth as people. The ego mind is called the Fool in Tarot. It is our job to unite Spirt and Matter, or Heaven and Earth in our comprehension as we journey life. The question is: how do you plow the land and fertilize the mind? The advice is simple: don’t be fooled by illusion, co-create as a Creator, let go of expectations, and grow your I AM.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

The Heroes’ Journey into the Shift of the Ages

I often mentor and teach on the power of the Mental Body. It is the aspect of what we first see in our mind’s eye as the perfection of any potential. We are powerful co-creators with God. We can become and receive what we manifest with the right mindset. It is the power of positive thinking. We can create our world, and now more than ever, our thoughts are accelerating in this process of ascension. In this beautifully written explanation and short invocation, my friend, Jeanene Tips, explains the power of manifesting. Your vocal frequency can sing your power of abundance in all good things. Read her message by clicking the link below and discover how powerful you really are.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Working with Rue

I AM grateful to have Rue or Ruda in my cabinet and garden. Powerful energetically and connected to the Solar Plexus, Rue has the healing power needed to return all goodness back in balance.
In this post, I discuss the history of Rue, the use of this herb in my practice, and other practical advice.

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Claudia Berenguer Claudia Berenguer

Discover your Animal Totems and their Spiritual Qualities

Exploring Animal Spirit Totems is a fun way to connect with our inner truth. Native American spirituality believes that Spirit Guides appear in the form of animals to show us a personal truth. Discover the traits of the animals I have listed. Find your personal animal totem/s and be open to Spirit Guides showing you hidden aspects of yourself through the grace, beauty and majesty of animals and insects.

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