Archangel Raphael

by Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Raphael is known as the “Angel of Healing”. The name Raphael means “God has healed” or “God’s medicine”. Archangel Raphael cares for the immaculate concept of every man, woman, and child on this planet. As universal beings, humanity holds divine proportions and ratios. Every angel in the angelic realm is taught that every human being is born completely divine and pure through thier sacred geometry of perfection. It is in their counsel, that the appreciation of this divinity grows in our hearts to also respect all sentient and flourishing life on this planet, and the miracle that encompasses all of nature. The immaculate concept of a human being is truly a miracle to be held in love and not judgment. Compassion and forgiveness are qualities that Archangel Raphael offers to all who struggle with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual ailments. He offers peace to alleviate dis-ease in all aspects. Therefore, Archangel Raphael is associated with experiencing life with joy and LA-ughter while living on LA-nd (the Solfeggio frequency of Archangel Raphael is LA). The word consent means that we experience life with our senses as energetic experiences. Many can say that when they recall a warm memory, it is often accompanied by a memorable embrace, a scent, a melody, a visual gift, or a pleasurable food and/or treat. When we agree to live life daily with gratitude and joy, we agree to an experience that allows us to fully appreciate of the perfection that is creation all around us. This is why Archangel Raphael also works to heal animals and plants. It is in the miracle of creation, that the Creator gave us healing remedies, therefore the energy of Archangel Raphael is also called to heal environmental efforts. By healing all that encompasses the physical plane, humanity also experiences every aspect of healing. Every day the Holy Spirit offers a healing experience to heal as an avatar of the physical body. Healing the physical body triggers the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to grow in love and connect with the ethers. Science LA-bels healing remedies. *The spelling of LA-nguage heals because the frequency of words spoken in love can reform the structure of damaged cells in anything that can be touched or seen. This is why religious texts describe Archangel Raphael as a master of music who can sing over 1000 LA-nguages in praise of the Creator.

Archangel Raphael sits on the 5th ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the expansion and abundance of nature and life, music, and mathematics. His divine twin flame is the Archeia Mary, who was chosen to embody as the mother of Jesus/Yeshua the Christ. Raphael and Mary assist humanity with the gift of discernment and spiritual vision. The Third Eye Chakra is designed to balance with the Sacral Chakra. All organic and sacred REproduction of new incarnates is an opportune journey through time and space to connect with the Higher Self. This odyssey is the discernment of knowing that matter and spirit are one, and there is no separation upon birth. Just as the body grows physically, the mind must grow in faith and trust in life's lessons of experience. The third eye chakra houses the pineal gland also called the LA-mp and LA-ntern of inner knowing. The pineal gland regulates melatonin or the active and passive hours of the day to LA-bor the LA-nd. The pineal gland is the most important endocrine gland in the body. It's unique because it is perfectly centered inside the brain between the 2 cerebral hemispheres. The two cerebral hemispheres are called the “Cherubims” that guard the tree of life/spinal column. This is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 3:24. The tree of life spinal column of the human body carries the stem cell-rich cerebrospinal fluid from the pineal gland to all parts of the energy fields of the human body, also known as the Chakras. As LA-mbs of God, or holy innocents upon birth, the physical body lives an experience of time to grow and learn the 12 aspects of Deity through the zodiacal rotation of the universe. Even with an imperfect body at birth due to a birth defect or disability, the physical body can find healing in all that is outside through other aspects of creation.

Other spellings of Archangel Raphael’s name include Rafael, Rephael, Israfel, Isfafil and Sarafiel. Archangel Raphael can be invoked for balance, mind, body, and soul. He is depicted holding a staff as the caduceus symbol for the medical profession. The caduceus symbol with two snakes represents the Pingala Nadi and the Ida Nadi which carry the electromagnetic flow of energy in the cerebrospinal fluid from our brain to the base of the spine. Therefore, Archangel Raphael is assigned as the patron saint of hospitals, veterinary clinics, and pharmacies. He is also the patron saint of travelers, and counselors. The ray color of the Third Eye Chakra is green. This is why some medical uniforms and operating rooms are green. Green is also the color of chlorophyll, which sustains edible legumes, fruits, and all healthy plant life. Other images of Archangel Raphael based on scriptural stories have him holding a fish, a bowl, and a bottle to represent a healing RE-medy (RE is the solfeggio frequency of the Sacral Chakra).

Archangel Raphael is mentioned in the Book of Tobit, which is part of both the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. He is credited with restoring the sight of a blind man named Tobit and being his traveling companion. According to the same religions, Archangel Raphael heals the emotional body of a woman named Sarah, who is possessed by a 'demon of lust.' Archangel Raphael also appears in the Book of Enoch as having been commissioned by the Creator to restore the earth, which the fallen angels had corrupted. According to Jewish literature pertaining to the Book of Enoch, it is alleged that Archangel Raphael imparted to Noah the art of healing through the use of plants. It is also God's will that Raphael is to be present over the suffering of all those who call him in affliction. In the Zohar, in Genesis chapter 23, Archangel Raphael is again mentioned as the angel appointed to heal the earth and all maladies that the Evil Ones have brought upon humanity. Archangel Raphael also appears in the story of Abraham, where he visits the plains of Mamre and gives a child to Sarah, Abraham's wife of advanced age. At the time of the Judgment, according to the Hadith, a collection of the traditions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, Archangel Raphael is another of the great archangels who will blow a horn to announce the Judgment and the return of God to the planet.

When Archangel Raphael appears as a recommendation on my reading table, it is time to receive angel therapy by embracing not only his help, but the help of the angelic realm in general. Even though Archangel Raphael is the guardian of the Third Eye Chakra, other angels are willing to help remove burdens. This assists in the growth and REstoration of the pineal gland, which is the center of intuition and psychic perception. Sometimes, the distraction of feeling ill in one part of the body can take away from understanding old patterns or trauma in other parts of the body, or energetic imbalances that are not only physical, but can be emotional and mental. As with all things, Archangel Raphael on the table is also a healthy reminder to keep up with the sacred space that is our body. REst, grounding with the earth, breathing healthy air, sleeping, eating right, and exercising support the health of the endocrine system. Optimal health in turn gives us appreciation and joy in maintaining a healthy environment. When we feel good about ourselves and our SO-rroundings, we feel good about the tasks we choose to do each day. As co-creators, we choose to manifest that which will ease or dis-ease us.

*Dr. Masuro Emoto, The Hidden Messages in Water

Solfeggio Note of the 7 Archangels illuminating humanity and their corresponding Chakras:

UT - Gabriel – Base of the Spine/Root Chakra
RE - Zadkiel – Sacral Chakra
MI - Uriel – Solar Plexus Chakra
FA – Chamuel – Heart Chakra
SO/SOL – Michael – Throat Chakra
LA – Raphael – Third Eye Chakra
SI – Jophiel – Crown Chakra

Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Raphael:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Raphael,

I accept the angel of the green flame of healing where I AM.

My heart connects with the LA-nd, the LA-w (land, air, water), and the LA-ughter of joy in living.

The LA-titude represented in each daily horizon is the promise of new life and growth for healing.

I AM the LA-nguage of love. 

I AM the logos in equal proportion, ratio, and divinity with all of creation throughout the universe made by the Creator.

I AM ever-LA-sting love

I LA-bor to grow in body and MI-nd to heal in spirit and emotion with that which made MI perfect and immaculate.

I AM a divine LA-mp which grows in light every day.

As my LA-ntern grows, I guide, heal, and grow in appreciation of my journey through life.

I AM one with Creation.

I AM one in appreciation with MI-racles that SO-rround MI, as each part of creation is intricate in the plan of all growth for Creator’s expansive love.

Beloved, joyFULL, and grateful I AM
Beloved, joyFULL, and grateful I AM
Beloved, joyFULL, and grateful I AM

SUMMARY and other Sacred Geometry information related to Archangel Raphael:

Planet: Mercury
Chakra: Third Eye – 96 petal lotus (12X4 + 12X4 or 48+48 = 12 rays x quadrant of being of Alpha and Omega)
Color:  Green
Ray:  5th Ray of Truth
Sound Frequency: 852 HZ – Awakens intuition, raises cell vibration, bridge to higher self (cellf) and a return to spiritual order
Solfeggio Frequency: Note of LA – conscious return to spirit (laughter, land, language, laboratory, labor, lamp, law, lake, latitude, lasting, lava, laguna, lantern, lamb)
Day of the week: Wednesday (miercoles in Latin for Mercury)
Hebrew Letter:  Beth (House) - the house that contains light
Tarot Card: The Magician - This Tarot card reminds all to nurture and heal through the bond we have with nature. Have strength to combat unnatural creative forces designed by the Fallen Angels. The perfect science is not in the destruction, but in the alignment with what is already perfect by divine design.
Essential Oil Association: peppermint, eucalyptus, basil, lemon, lime, bergamot, cypress, sage and mint. Tree association: Hazel
CrystalLAbradorite, clear quartz, MaLAchite, Boulder Opal

My diffuser aromatherapy recipe associated with Archangel Raphael:
4 drops Lime or Lemon essential oil
3 drops Bergamot essential oil
2 drops Cypress or Mint essential oil

References: Book “The Masters and their Retreats” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet”,,,

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Archangel Jophiel


Archangel Michael