Experience Spiritual Healing and Transformation through my Crystal Energy Psychic Readings, Sacred Geometry Classes, and powerful Affirmations. WELCOME TO MY PAGE, NAMASTE!
Spiritual love is everywhere. The right path to healing and transformation begins with you.
I AM a Spiritual Healer and Teacher willing to guide, support, and educate your mind to higher states of consciousness.
I AM Claudia Berenguer.
I want to help you create space for new opportunities and experiences in your life.
Mission Statement:
”I stand in the Zero Point of I AM and expand the vibrational truth of the LoVe of Source into the DiVine Plan of GOD REALIZATION for all mankind. I come as ONE and I stand for ALL as, together we step into our mastery and bring the fullness of our Soul design, and the totality of our DiVine Essence, into the new dominion of New HUman Consciousness. The Path to Eternal Lightness of Being is found in the Stargate of your Loving Heart. LoVe is expanding, for it is the inalienable right and destiny for this plane.t., as it moves into the Light & Life of this; The Golden Age of Miracles.” author-♡ J9
Bear image is original artwork by Cristina Moore
@ www.cristinamoore.com. Copyrighted; All Rights Reserved.
Follow Cristina by clicking here
© 2023 Bearinher.com, All Rights Reserved

The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Ancient Healing Tones to Wellness
The 9 Solfeggio frequencies are ancient healing tones that help heal the cellular structure of the body to promote peace, harmony and emotional well-being. The Solfeggio frequencies follow the numerical patterns of 3, 6 and 9, which are the trinity numbers of organic healing. Click to read more.

9-Plane Anti-Life Energy Clearing
This meditation exercise will clear any anti-life energy you body may be carrying. This exercise is a form of psychic surgery that works with the Creator to create your new Light form using all 9 Solfeggio Frequencies. There is a frequency Youtube video attached to facilitate this exercise and clear each of your bodies in each plane of your being.

Sacred Geometry class: The 22 Letters of Light for Inner Truth
This class explains the symbology of each letter of a person’s name in Egyptian, Hebrew and Tarot symbology. The 22 Letters of Light, or the Hebrew Rose, explain the Sacred Geometry of the Universe. A name given upon birth, per each letter in its composition, identifies personal tasks to be accomplished as we ascend into the Golden Age.

A Personal Grid for each of my Clients
A crystal grid for each client at the time of their appointment. Learn why I provide a grid for each client, and the importance of the grid as a tool for healing.

Sharing the Healing Energy of Crystals in Beautiful Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Sharing the healing energy of crystals in a beautiful wrapped necklace.

Sacred Geometry Class - Welcome Aquamarine Ray Energy
On our Spiritual Ascension, we are leaving behind the Piscean Age. Since 2012, we have been given the opportunity to heal each of our chakras. 2022 takes us to the Aquamarine Ray, the Octahedron and a major chakra in the Secret Chamber of our heart. In this class, I break down the true meaning of 2022.

Sacred Geometry Class - The Numbers and Sound Frequency of Healing
Sacred Geometry – The numbers and frequency of healing class.
Sacred Solfeggio tones serve as “vibrational bridges” that can provide balance and answers for the spirit, mind, and body. It is in these healing tunes that cells can remember their geometric perfection.

Sacred Geometry Class - Connecting with Your Base Chakra Class
Sacred Geometry - Connecting with the Base of the Spine Chara
This class explains your four lower bodies and the divinity of your foundation upon birth. Learn how your Base of the Spine chakra is a fortress and how you can learn to understand its power.

Sacred Geometry Class - Going Within and the Elemental, a Meditation 101 Class
It is important to meditate as a form of prayer. Finding a quiet space to connect with Creator is important to establish a joyful connection with life and your experience here. Learn to find peace, protection, and love with the right mindfulness, tools, and prayers of protection to achieve inner peace and harmony with yourself and others. Visit my store for Going Within. A class I offer on the art of Meditation, or buy my Notes.

Sacred Geometry Venus, a Goddess Creation Story - A Sacred Feminine Class
The Sacred Feminine Energy of Omega creates an opportunity for expansion in the Universe. Women create holy space for opportunity and growth. This class offers a unique view into the balanced geometry of the sacred feminine. Venus holds the key to Divine Proportion and natural beauty.

Sacred Geometry Class - The Basics within Numerology
Sacred Geometry, the Basics is a class that explains the sacred meaning of number and how they relate to our perfection, divine proportion, and core understanding of spiritual symbology.
Please use the Contact button on the menu bar for details on how to reach me via email to schedule an appointment. I email all my First-Time Clients a letter with details on pricing and what to expect on our first meeting.
I want to teach you sacred knowledge. Email me and book one of my various Sacred Geometry classes. They are typically 2 hours long using a Power Point presentation. I teach locally, or personally through Zoom.
Each class can be broken down into two 1 hour sessions via Zoom to accommodate your busy schedule. Classes can be requested privately or as a group. Group rates are available. Individual Zoom classes are $30. for a two hour session.
New!! Name Analysis Document. Per my class, the 22 Letters of Light, I am now offering a Name Analysis Document to my clients. I will provide you with the meaning of your First, Middle and Last name per the information the Egyptians, Hebrews, and later Christians hid in the Tarot Major Arcana. Each document is $60. Email me for details.
This original lion and moon artwork was done by professional Graphic Designer Cristina A. Moore, Copyrighted and All Rights Reserved. You can find Cristina on Dribbble.com or at www.cristinamoore.com.
Please visit my Etsy Store here
I am an artist who enhances the eternal spirit of the rocks of the earth.
Like a magnet, we are drawn to the diverse beauty and power held in rocks and crystals.
All my necklaces are charged with the full spectrum of musical frequencies
done by a P-3 laser light frequency generator.
Wearing a beautiful stone over your heart is a very intimate connection with nature.
Chose a stone in my Etsy Store that speaks to you or contact me if you have a stone that requires mounting.
As a Mystical Teacher, I awaken your inner knowing and self-awareness with course notes of my Sacred Geometry Classes.
Right now, I AM offering personal Name Analysis Documents based on my: Sacred Geometry 22 letters of Light class.