A Healing Clock
Since our earliest learning years, humans have been taught to read time clockwise. The chronological clockwise rotation of the clock, a human invention, was deliberately engineered to influence our perception of time, conditioning us to see it as a form of lagging motion rather than positive evolution. It is essential to dispel the notion of linear time as a chronic entity and to embrace positive affirmations that honor, transform, and revolutionize our bodies into opportunities to cycle in transcendence waves of energy. Please click "Read More.” I invite you to embrace a fresh perspective on each day as an opportunity for growth..

My Grateful Heart
During this February, which is marked by special celestial events, various spiritual beings have asked me to share a message about the importance of being grateful NOW. Open this message to learn their reflections and affirm your own power, especially since some of us are also celebrating February as the month of love and Valentine's Day. Click "Read More" below.

The Revolution for Personal Evolution is Here
The energy of January calls for a revolution to find personal evolution. Accelerated light energy codes continue to pour in to restructure the fabric of reality causing pause, and reflection. We need to integrate new information that is being realized more swiftly. This phase will begin to restructure work, family and friendships. Click “Read More” and affirm your resurrection in this new energy of 2025.

Build the Truth in Your Wreath of Creation This Christmas
As I was thinking of a message to write to my clients and friends about the symbolic meaning of a Christmas wreath, I received guidance and a special message from Yeshua. I AM happy to share HIS wisdom and make it my Christmas message to all. Each of you is an ornament in my precious Tree of Life and a sparkle in my Wreath of Gratitude and Joy. Blessings to all this holiday season, please click the Read More link below for the full message.

Anchor the Harmonic Chords of 11:11
The next chapter of a new horizon is upon us. The energetic numbers of 11/11 call us to embrace the infinite depth of love that resides within each of us. Now is the time to open our hearts and lift the world into greater harmony. The pillars that make up the number 11 stand as a doorway, calling us to be anchors of light and move away from conflict and separation. As we deepen our connection to Source Creator, we amplify the light and radiate love to every soul, connecting us deeply to our beautiful planet and to the hearts of others yearning to learn. Click the link below to read the full affirmation.

Waking Up to Our Aura Through the Story of Aurora
As we ascend in the consciousness of the NOW, the story of “Sleeping Beauty” presents correlations to current energy changes in the October 2024 storyline. For instance, could the name Aurora be Our Aura RA? Could this name speak of the I AM that I AM as the Awakened Aurora into the Golden Age? Click "Read More" to explore the correlation this story offers as we shift and re-birth into our Happily Ever After.

Four-Give and Dance in AbounDANCE
Trust Source as your dance partner. Flow with the Creator's dance of abounDANCE. Forgiving, healing and co-creating during the month of September will relinquish attachments and perceptions formulated by old codes and systems based on lack that are now disintegrating. Know we are transitioning from a monetary system to a currency system based on love and unlimited supply. Click read more, affirm, anchor and accelerate this process with other Starseeds.

8·8·8 THE ROYAL LION’S GATE of 2024
Sirius has risen July 3-7. Sirius means The Shining One. Sirius A is twice as large as our SUN and outshines it more than 20- times over; due to its high luminosity. Sirius B, the white dwarf companion, has a mass equal to that of our SUN with a radius 100-times smaller. Sirius holds ancient knowledge; it is where the ancient libraries are. The Sirian water planet, Lakumay, is a 6th density ‘Galactic Library’ planet. Lakumay is only visible to those vibrating at, or above, the 6th density level. Reportedly, during July 3 – 7, Sirius is closer to Earth than our own Sun is. During that time frame, ‘Sirius has risen’ means the constellation just left the skies of the southern hemisphere and crossed the equator on its journey into the skies of the northern hemisphere.
We are receiving downloads – ask for information regarding your next step; write it down. YOUR FOCUS DETERMINES YOUR REALITY.
Click the button below to read more about this unforgettable Royal Lion’s Gate in 2024
Image of Sirius Star System from Quora.com can be found here.

We are here to lift the Earth into LoVe. Through the Sacred Geometry of the Violet Flame, we light up all leVels of our BEing. We are creating new pathways for Sacred Geometry to flow and expand the unveiling of new truths. One such reVealed principle is the existence of a 7-sided polygon called the Chestahedron. This new shape holds sacred secrets that make way for the field of your heart to access intelligence. Allow the intelligent information flowing in on the 7th Ray, on this the 7th day, of this 7th month, to transform and enrich your life.
Read more and participate in the Grand I AM of Everything.
Featured image is the Sacred Chestahedron.

I AM a Wave Warrior Sun-A Master of Alchemy and Transformation
Our new system of creation requires fresh, truthful input so that the expectations we bring to the table to create the powerful dynamics of a New World are not built on previous matrix distortions. We no longer agree to live in a state of ill-usion that has been fed to us through every input medium of communication.
* This is the time of frequency Ascension.
The power of the BLUE RAY, which is the frequency of FATHER GOD, is transitioning us out of the lower HUman states of consciousness and will expose, and possibly annihilate, all that is not of LoVe and Light. We have won the right to align with our chosen vibratory frequency. Through the Power of Free Will, we can choose to disconnect from the bandwidth of a corrupt matter·field that is saturated with lies. Forgive and Annihilate all forms of deception in the Blue Flames of the Blue Ray! Thank YOU!
* Ascension is the awareness of TRUTH.
Consciousness is expanding as we move through the power fields of [our Heavenly] FATHER’s DAY, quickly amplified by the zenith sol-ray frequencies of the summer SOLstice. WE, as a collective, are awakening to TRUTHS that will expand our awareness of the last 2,000+ years of corrupt matrix domination. HUmanity has long been deceived by ½ truths. The standing formula is for information to be interwoven with hidden half-truths; lies fed to us in slow drips; hiding the poisonous effects. The system was not set up for liberation through exposure. Nothing is hidden that is not revealed.
* Awareness is Knowledge; NO more ½ truths.
Click Read More below to affirm truth in this powerful affirmation.
Image source: www.spaceweather.com -An extreme ultraviolet image of X2.8-class solar flare. Credit: NASA/SDO

The Evolution of Love is Here
The evolution of love is here. We are moving from the wheel of karma to a revolution and evolution of unity that will catapult us into new codes of transformation and reconstruction 30 days after the April 8, 2024 eclipse. Happy Mother's Day to you! All of creation is awakening as ONE circle of life! Welcome the NOW energy of the Mother who has WON and reclaimed her children of light and the planetary heartbeat. Click Read More and proclaim your truth with this affirmation of thunderous revolution.

I AM the Holy Trinity of my Galactic, Planetary, Magnificent HUman Cellf
As we spring into action with the energy of the equinox and march our way into the portals of light that activate our hearts, let us NOW ignite and cultivate the pearlescent energy of our Sacred Fire Holy Trinity of Love, Wisdom, and Power. Our trifurcation will ignite the energy to reactivate the creation waves of ley lines that will catapult us through the year 2024. You are a Dragon Rider of this energy. Victory is here! Read more in this powerful decree.

Acknowledge & Activate
The activation of the electrons of the body magnetize the quintessence of our awareness to the level of quantum magnificence that operates the dynamics of the unified field of our multidimensional cellves in parallel universes. Decree to acknowledge and activate this amazing potential.

2024 ~ Out of the Darkness into the Light of Spiritual Awakening
The first no·moon of February 2024 ushers in the magick of the majestic Wood Dragon(s). Is a Wood Dragon an earthly archetype vehicle for Seraphim? What are Seraphim?
SERAPHIM are the 1st, highest, of 9- orders / choirs of Angels.
Seraph is singular.
Seraphim guard the throne of GOD.
Dragons guard the throne room of GOD.
♡ J9 defines Seraphim
Seraphim are the highest Order of I AM that I AM
Source Light BEings of the Great Central Sun of the UNIversal Mind
“Like a calm surface that belies the ocean’s depth, their quantum magnificence belies an intelligent and loving force of raw primal spirituality." ♡J9
Featured image by Facebook group Inkscape.

I AM the Epiphany of Wisdom Culminating the 12 Days of Christmas
In this New Year, let us harmonize the heartfelt revelations of the Christmas season, which concludes with the arrival of the Magi on January 6, affectionately known as Epiphany.
The journey of the Wisemen from the east and the historic song of Silent Night set the tone for higher frequencies in the process of becoming our own Christ anew. Allow the shift of positive affirmations to expand your emotional connection to the magic of Christmas within you throughout 2024. We are an epiphany of infinite possibilities in the sincere communion with Source Light as we restore and rebuild our Temples of Light.

You are the Light of God
“I AM THAT I AM” is how GOD identified himself to Moses; by the light of the burning bush. This is an ancient paradigm of connectivity with GOD. We are coming back around to comprehend the depth of those 3- words and that every HUman heartbeat starts with the spark of the Light of GOD.
2024 is the Cosmic Moment for us to work together to elevate the consciousness of humanity to look within so we can evolve into our complete super-HUman Self; our empowered Cosmic Christ Self. This will shatter the illusion of the matrix as we realize, We Are The Light of GOD. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD. I AM THAT I AM.

Travel in the High Waves of the 11/11/2023 Portal
The portal of November 11 or 11:11:11 was of high importance energetically. It carried a numerical value of thrice the 11 when all the numbers of this date were added to equal 11 in month, day, and year (1+1+1+1+2+0+2+3=11). The number 11 represent a doorway into the ascension of KNOWING that you can walk through the middle way. The Middle Way is a term for the adjoining of both sides of the brain to become whole, equilibrated, and complete as the Alpha and Omega of Being. NOW is the time to condition our mind and heart to travel in High Waves. Click “Read More” for the full decree affirming your willingness to exit the spell of illusion.

Key Coding a New Storyline
Planet Terra has been subjected to key codes and codes written by fallen angels that are not in alignment with the highest good of our planetary evolution. It is time to decree and encode new outcomes NOW for a better storyline for humanity.

Healing Ancestral Wounds in this THE CORRECTING TIME
A common agreement many make before incarnating, is to FORGIVE and STOP any and all negative storylines emerging from your family lineage into present-day reality.
The Correcting Time requires the soul and the mind to combine focus and pursue intention of what YOU WANT TO CORRECT. With persistence, advocate dynamic faith and expect the results YOU demand.
The evolutionary realm that is in charge enables us to clear the way forward [dharma] by clearing our past [karma]. This sacred conversation with the UNIverse [which is what a decree is] is the first step to clearing, not only your shadows, but also the shadows of all of your ancestors. I AM that I AM.

Break the Illusion of Fear
Fear is defined as an unpleasant feeling caused by the presence of a perceived danger that causes stress, anger, anxiety, and even illness. Often this perceived danger can appear in the sources we read, the social media we subscribe to, or the chatter of family or friends who cling to old patterns of illusion. Fear is a powerful tool for manipulation. However, fear can be defeated with faith, love, and trust in our hearts.
Archangel Michael lovingly shared this decree with me as a reminder of our angelic lineage. We are a powerful light as children of the Creator.
Click “Read More” to decree Archangel Michael’s powerful truths for balance and protection. You are a shield of light under his protection. Declare and remember!