Build the Truth in Your Wreath of Creation This Christmas
By Claudia Berenguer
A Christmas wreath is symbolically made from the evergreen tree and shaped as a circle. The shape of a circle represents a place of creation, but also of transformation, completion, or rebirth. The green shade of the leaves characterizes the healing color of nature. The sun-kissed chlorophyll of healthy green food heals our bodies, as does exposure to the fertile hue of a garden or forest (for rest). As I was reflecting on a Christmas message, I received these words from Yeshua adding to the special meaning of this traditional decoration on our tables and doors:
“Find the truth in your wreath of creation. The wreath is the energy of others weaving your circle of friends. You are the wreath that creates the reality in which you live. You are the wreath of energy that has woven your circle of creation and reality.
Find your healing truths and find those that help you complete your wreath of love. You are everlasting because others help you to see and complete your 360 degrees of perfection. Be patient with those that need to weave their own reality.
Each friend is an ornament of light in your creation. Like a Christmas tree, another symbol of this season of joy, you are the Tree of Life, as my Father is the star of your illumination. Each precious moment in your life has adorned your Tree of Life to make it shine and sparkle.
Do not take these holiday symbols as religious, but as symbolic of your path to enlightenment.
You are the source and the ring that weds with the divine. You are the promise in the heavenly contract called life. You are the living waters of your own baptism as you form the extension of the wreath for others to experience your joys, but perhaps their chosen sorrows.
Be the Christ guiding the masses to follow their reunification with the Christ Child within them. You are all celestial. You are all shepherded to be innocent in feeling, but clear in direction as you choose which shepherd will lead you to the true green pastures of salvation to safe comfort and joy.
Be merry and bright, be the illumined joy that gathers and finds gladness in a dark winter’s night”.
And with these words, I affirm:
I AM the light for others as a beacon of encouragement.
I AM the good counsel to others for there is always redemption and forgiveness.
I AM the prayer to manifest good fortune when others may be in sorrow.
I pray with heart intention for myself and others on this journey of compassion and truth.
I AM a circle of reconciliation for myself and others.
I AM sharing healing truth to harmonize the collective field of humanity. Each knot of pain I release shifts the greater collective heart of all humanity.
I AM peace dismissing fear, loss, judgment and unworthiness.
I AM brilliance that cannot be extinguished, dimmed or ignored.
I AM embracing every aspect of myself and weaving every thread of experience as a true expression of my essence.
I AM a creator of the Golden Age, recognizing that the divine spark within every being shines unimpeded.
I AM the rebirth and rediscovery of my alignment with the creative thought of the Divine.
This is where I AM at home in the Bethlehem of the Divine. I AM in the House of Breath, the Home of Source Love.
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Merry Christmas to all. Mary Christ-Mass expansion from the Mother, and to all a spectacular 2025!!
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