Anchor the Harmonic Chords of 11:11
By Claudia Berenguer
The next chapter of a new horizon is upon us. The energetic numbers of 11/11 call us to embrace the infinite depth of love that resides within each of us. Now is the time to open our hearts and lift the world into greater harmony. The pillars that make up the number 11 stand as a doorway, calling us to be anchors of light and move away from conflict and separation. As we deepen our connection to Source Creator, we amplify the light and radiate love to every soul, connecting us deeply to our beautiful planet and to the hearts of others yearning to learn.
As the living waters of salvation, we are the architects of our own reality. Our circulating blood is the consciousness that gives us life, identity, and hope. Choose what you see and hear, for it can be conceived into reality. You carry patterns of memory and consciousness within your own cellular structure as you remember your Higher Self during energetic doorways. You are the 1 reflecting the ONE. Your energetic convergence to evolve in love is a union with the Infinite.
Your cells are the composition of the energy that you give, for your aura is the vibration of the cells that live and move within you, either in accord or in discord. You are a musical pattern, a chord if we speak in musical terms. Each chord is a pattern of vibration, just as each point of our consciousness is a beautiful resonance. We must remember the glory and uniqueness of our original symphony for Source has given each of his children a unique tone.
I AM a musical pattern of energy awakening on the planet to find my own song. My aura reflects the beauty and harmony I wish to co-create for myself and Mother Earth.
Your journey has been to find those who will sing with you in higher chords of perfection. Source wants us to create a chorus of our own vibration and find like-minded individuals to create a song that calls to both Father/Mother God, for they are the patterns of creation that give life to you and those around you in peace and harmony.
The Company of Heaven wants to sing with you. Create patterns of perfection in your vibration as you bring this planet into harmony. The New Earth is on the horizon, but the words to manifest this reality are on your tongues. With each step we take now, honor and recognize the capacity of your heart to call for joy, peace and transformative love.
Find the courage to step beyond the stories that have defined your existence. Call out now to embody your Christ energy. You are the beacon of light where there is darkness and peace where others are in discord or out of alignment with reality. Compassion flows freely where every being is embraced as an aspect of the Divine. Ground love for yourself and the collective will follow.
Every story, every journey is the pulse of the Divine waiting to be acknowledged and honored. Your voice creates the truth you choose to walk in. Choose peace, joy, harmony and intonate with others who are willing to love you in return.
I AM a doorway of positive vocal incantations. I affirm and ground myself in love to dispel fear.
I AM a doorway of praise and encouragement as I honor the vision of Earth’s ascension into the Golden Age.
I AM SINGular in my world of form. I AM that I AM. I AM DIVINE!
I choose to sing in the key of MI (528 HZ) to anchor harmony of planet Earth.
My heart leads, and I invite the world to walk through a doorway of unity consciousness. Through the umbilical cord of my mother’s heart, I chose to incarnate at this time.
I AM connecting with the melodic chords of nature's oneness consciousness. The elementals and I are ONE.
I AM a harmonic doorway shifting my cellf to uplift my power.
I AM of quantum service to others, as I help them realize their own rhythm in oneness.
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
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