Waking Up to Our Aura Through the Story of Aurora

By Claudia Berenguer

Growing up with fairy tales created memorable favorites.  As we ascend in the consciousness of the NOW, the story of “Sleeping Beauty” presents correlations to current energy changes in the October 2024 storyline.  For instance, could the name Aurora be Our Aura RA?  Could this name speak of the I AM that I AM as the Awakened Aurora into the Golden Age?  The following is my exploration:

The story itself, of an innocent child entering a world where the forces of darkness and light battle for her baptism, rings true for what has happened to humanity.  In the story, Maleficent cursed the child out of jealousy, just as fallen angels have cursed us as Christed extensions of Father/Mother God.  The three fairies who gifted Aurora are the Love, Wisdom and Power (Threefold Flame) that never left us in incarnation.  The power of the Threefold Flame has always been our nurturing salvation.  The Trinity of Fairies hid Aurora's innocence and protected her from Maleficent's promised curse of her 16th birthday. 1+6=7 in numerical terms, representing the development of her 7 chakras in her Tree of Life.  As humanity was imprisoned, poisoned, seduced and tricked into not ascending and developing their Sephiroth (Source Connection), so was Aurora.  Humanity slept for thousands of years while our blood (DNA) was spilled by pricking our fingers into the spinner of a karmic wheel, represented by the spindle of a spinning wheel in the story.  As Aurora, we have been under a sleeping spell by dark forces for millennia.  Humanity has lived in the cursed nightmare of the Matrix.

However, the world is currently experiencing the resurrection of our dormant powers.  We are awakening to our innate heritage as a kiss of true love known as Source TRUTH enters our perception.  Resonating Heart Truth buries old energies as it brings to the surface heartfelt knowledge that allows for liberated recognition, release and new beginnings.  Like Aurora, our personal and global collective consciousness is awakening to realign and release the low resonant energies that have cursed us for so long.   We are acknowledging, terminating, forgiving and releasing contracts that no longer serve us.

Like Aurora, we have never forgotten our light.  Her virtue and the recognition of true love saved her.  This connection sustains us in our relationship with the Divine.  Everything is accelerating to equilibrate.  The sword of truth is slicing the thorns of injustice that have caged our kingdoms.  Our mastery is to embrace our roots of simplicity because our connection to the elemental is the key.  We are the infinite and eternal nature that recognizes our heritage as sons and daughters of the Creator as Creation.  Kings and queens in our own right, yet humble in our self-awareness, we must find our value from the inside out, not the outside in. Aurora sang from the heart.  We too must find our heartfelt passion as our freedom.  Our hearts call us to be unique and to find those who resonate with our melody and tone.  She broke the spell, and so can we. I reconcile with my thoughts and feelings to find peace

I AM writing my own fairy tale as I reconcile with the elementals and the simplicity of the elemental.

I AM the victoriously accomplished closing the book of good versus evil. 

I AM the Light destined to express itself in different form as I now write MY STORY.  I hold the keys to my self-experience and self-knowledge.  I hold my own shift in consciousness.

I AM dissolving blockages, traumas, and stuck emotions by remembering that I AM Christ Light as Enlightened Truth.

I AM trusting in the process; I AM the embrace of infinite possibilities ahead.

I AM releasing low resonant energies and curses as I welcome a new fabric of reality being built by the Creator.

I AM the dawn of a new age. My atoms are accelerating and reforming the fabric of my being as the new Son rises.

 I AM the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

I AM the promised truth, and the heartfelt gratitude of all around me.

I AM aiming for the stars as I AM recognized as one in this story of perceived time.

I AM the happily ever after.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary definition of the word, Aurora: “a luminous phenomenon that consists of streamers or arches of light appearing in the upper atmosphere of a planet's magnetic polar regions and is caused by the emission of from atoms excited by electrons accelerated along the planet's magnetic field lines. Also the dawn, sunrise, and dawning of a new day”.

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