Four-Give and Dance in AbounDANCE

By Claudia Berenguer

Most of us maintain some level of interest in current events. In this search for truth as knowledge, we can be drawn to the negativity of the drama unfolding around us and become distracted, anxious, or even ill.  On the other hand, many of us see past these false illusions and tap into our Heart Flame daily, revealing more and more that Source is truly in control.  Source is asking us to be present in our wisdom to align in a more awakened state of TRUST.

Like a light flame dancing in the air, I AM opening my heart flame to dance with the love of the Divine.  My heart is the lantern that will illuminate my world today.  In accorDANCE with Source, ascendDANCE is the act of rising, reclaiming and revising abounDANCE of all good things.

In this current awakened state, as we traverse the step process of enLIGHTment, many are realizing that part of the fear in the NOW may be fear trauma from past timelines.  We have been conditioned to beLIEve in a monetary system.  Yet the truth has always been that CURRENCY FLOWS and spiritual consciousness transcends material concerns.  We fight our innate wisdom and tell ourselves that money is more important than love as the true currency that is boundless in supply.  Relinquishing earthly attachments or perceptions of what we truly need is a hurdle when we contemplate survival and the need to stay physically strong through sustenance and shelter.  However, as we detransition from the money system into the currency system, WE CAN handle material wealth and manifest divine love by blessing money each time we spend it or receive it.  Do this by simply saying, “SOURCE FLOWS THROUGH ME”.  This statement brings awareness to your heart center as the transaction is completed and encodes it with divine love.  By blessing each exchange, we command heart flow and abundant return.  Source flows through me; I AM unbounded by the material and sustained by the celestial flow of currency based on a loving exchange as a transaction.

Additional healing affirmations in this Virgo energy of creation during September include:

I AM blessed with abundant health.  I AM learning to question the power and reality of illness or adversity. 

I AM four-giving, healing and cutting the chords of all fear in past timelines, spaces, realms, dominions, dimensions, known and unknown that have misaligned my four lower bodies in spiritual, mental, physical and emotional illusions of lack.

I AM affirming my divine consciousness which is the true essence and the ultimate law of health and harmony NOW.

I AM aligning and recognizing the omnipotent power of my divine consciousness as a co-creator with Source.  As the Sun disperses more light frequencies and codes, I AM illuminating the way to create a new reality for myself and others.

I AM recognizing myself as an indivisible expression of the Cosmos endowed with dominion over all realms of effect.  I AM a MASTER of my own destiny and earthly experience. 

I AM a builder of new ideas and new inspirations that construct positive manifestations and give purpose. 

I AM giving my attention to progressive self-healing thoughts and ignoring the drama that seeks to enslave my mind and soul.

I TRUST that all is well and in the mastery of trust I will find peace. I now recognize the flow of abundance as love.

Every good deed based on love TRIPLES any low vibrational monetary exchange of the dark.  False illusions have brought out the worst in people through ego and have attempted to destroy our four lower bodies, yet times of peace and integration with the light of our heart are HERE.

LET GO AND LET GOD SOURCE.  Trust that Source Light wants us to dance a new dance and the SYMPHONY IS DIVINE.   A good dance partner does not anticipate steps in a dance.  A good partner trusts their companion and tunes into their energy with confidence.

I TRUST Source as my dance partner.  His love will hold me, spin me now and then, but never let me fall. I flow with the dance of abundant love and forgive all past missteps.  As the dance continues, I trust in the mastery of tuning in and going with the FLOW.

Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM


8·8·8 THE ROYAL LION’S GATE of 2024