The Revolution for Personal Evolution is Here
by Claudia Berenguer
The energy of January calls for a revolution to find personal evolution. Accelerated light energy codes continue to pour in to restructure the fabric of reality causing pause, and reflection. We need to integrate new information that is being realized more swiftly. This phase will begin to restructure work, family and friendships.
Humanity is undergoing a profound transformation toward resolution. Many of us are now aware of the curtains of deception, whether in community, work, religion, family or politics. The illusion that has kept us separated in a bubble of competition or comparison is falling apart. Starseeds have courageously held the light for many, fighting the good fight for truth with willpower and gifted divine insight. We have helped to accelerate the light of truth and the promise of a golden age.
However, there are still many around us who are entrenched in the defense of illusionary narratives to preserve old habits that give them a sense of normalcy or repetitive comfort. They are prisoners of a system that promises them temporary comforts, false notions of success, empty promises of freedom, or cures with harmful remedies. The truth is exposing this unsustainable reality as facts are now being verified and ploys to hide information from the masses are being exposed. The script of division, fear and manipulation has no power over the collective consciousness that has risen high above the ego and now discerns with intuitive heart from the Higher Self.
The revolution of the brave heart cognizant has begun the evolution of this great catalyst of restoration. For those who have chosen the path of intuition, you have served the Light constructively, opening the floodgates for many behind you. A new baptism of reflection is here calling all to walk in their own mastery. To find oneness with the Creator, the collective of humanity must find oneness within itself. In the evolution of perfection, personal accountability is necessary. There is no perfection that does not require an intimate journey of reflection. Resolution comes when the individual's resonance meets the energy of those who are perceived to have achieved the desired mastery. However, perceived mastery is still only a stair-step process to more individualized higher learning, for we never stop learning.
Be aware of the most prominent lessons in your life now. Make a checklist of what you know are your triggers and resolve to evolve. There is no handbook to navigate the journey of 2025 because your hand controls the writing of your own life and your relationship with the Creator. No one can journal for you. You are your own author; you are your own story line.
The Creator and Creation are calling for their own revolution and evolution in the original garden that was planted and needs to be reseeded this spring. Different flowers belong in different sectors for optimal growth, and some are priceless beauties. The garden is the same for all, but the sections presented must now be defined. You will be attracted to those that resonate with you in energy and like-mindedness. Allow the other flowers to mature at their own pace and find their own uniqueness.
Shine under the transforming light of the Creator. Shine in your own right without guilt. Release with compassion those who must transcend their own fears or clenched conformity to illusion. This time is not an endpoint, but a new era of creation that exposes the unsustainable darkness. We move together as One, but within the One, sections of color are defined. We hue as One Wheel of Evolution, but the hue-man color selection has begun. Soon, the color of our auras will become evident under the new light of our resurrection.
Affirm the following:
I AM my own evolutionary revolution.
I AM the resolution for this catalyst of planetary restoration.
I AM perfection in the intimate journey of reflection.
I AM the dissolution of triggers that lower my vibration to old patterns of separation.
I AM acquiring a unique resonant glow under the light of the Creator.
I AM releasing others into the transforming light of the Creator.
I AM resurrection.
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM
Almighty I AM