My Grateful Heart
I want to begin by saying that I AM grateful to Lightworker's Sanctuary in The Colony for being one of the few places in Texas that offers the use of a Trinity Table as a tool for meditation. If you are unfamiliar with the mechanics of this healing device, please explore the following link:
This message came through from the various beings that accompanied me through the gentle rotation on the table a few weeks ago. In this time of unique celestial alignment, they prompted me to share a message about the importance of being grateful.
Here are their powerful words of reflection as some of us celebrate February as the month of love and Valentine's Day.
“Gratitude is the highest expression of love.
Gratitude heals and connects all dimension of time.
Gratitude actualizes that which is most desired - PEACE.
Gratitude culminates the heart into being in oneness with yourself and all of creation.
Gratitude connects you to realms of yourself that explore your deepest connections with others.
Gratitude explains that connection, which when questioned, is explained.
Gratitude dissolves insecurities that have been grounded in hate or discomfort.
Gratitude allows the heart to see the truth of any situation because in gratitude you have learned the lesson.”
To these verses of wisdom, I gently add the following reflections:
Acknowledge your words of sincere gratitude this day. The Universe always appreciates humility because it is an honest response spoken directly from your heart.
Creating in gratitude opens the door to all possibilities.
In your moments of quiet reflection, explore gratitude. This is the centeredness that allows pathways to resolution.
Hereto, I offer the following affirmations:
I AM grateful for all the lessons of my life today.
I AM grateful for my moments of peace.
I AM grateful for humility because it is a mirror of truth.
I AM grateful for my DNA because I AM UNIQUE, and God Creator is in my signature.
I AM uniquely ONE (or with a twin) within the Oneness of all organic universal life. My DNA is as precious as a rare diamond.
I AM grateful for who I have become, and what I have accomplished through my distinct experience.
I AM grateful for all that I have for it has never been about quantity but quality.
I AM grateful that I AM loved.
I AM grateful that I AM supported on earth as I AM supported in heaven.
The name Valentine comes from Latin and means "strong" or "healthy".
To all my Valentine friends, family and clients. You are MY VALENTINE.
I AM grateful to all of you who make me strong and healthy in your circle of love.