Travel in the High Waves of the 11/11/2023 Portal

By Claudia Berenguer

The portal of November 11 or 11:11:11 was of high importance energetically.  It carried a numerical value of thrice the 11 when all the numbers of this date were added to equal 11 in month, day, and year (1+1+1+1+2+0+2+3=11). The number 11 represent a doorway into the ascension of KNOWING that you can walk through the middle way.  The Middle Way is a term for the adjoining of both sides of the brain to become whole, equilibrated, and complete as the Alpha and Omega of Being.

This high energy portal allowed for the sending of waves of powerful light that are now magnetizing and expanding humanity’s chakra system to release emotional trauma carried through personal DNA and generational DNA. Humanity in mass is releasing mis-directed and mis-qualified energy absorbed from the Piscean Age power structure.  The feminine heart-centered body is preparing the light body of the Higher Self for the Holy Spirit to reclaim the throne of the pineal gland in the Aquarian Age.  This is the Wedding of the Lamb or Lighting the Lamp that is the human electromagnetic homing device to the Creator.  The Corona (Crown of Wisdom) is complete in the equal illumination of all 12 aspects as the 12 X 30 or 360-degree return to the ONE complete evolution.  Duality is healed and recognized as the Love Power in Wisdom.  2024 is the year of the tetrahedron, or the completion of the journey of the pyramid that we have all been building since incarnating on this planet.  Also, 2024 is the year that I AM calling the Spiritual Body Year.  All the experiences leading up to this year unmask the true essence of what is held and collected in our hearts.  Do you have the heart of a Dove in the purity of your intentions?  Who has shepherded you? And who has been the true shepherd?  The Holy Spirit will transmute separation to heal and unify all aspects of ourselves that have not served us in past timelines.  Humanity will once again find peace, as the pieces fragmented by the dark are reunited with the ONEness of the ONE True Source Light.

For this reason, it is important to travel in High Waves.  We have been so conditioned to terms that have suppressed us subliminally.  Think of the word highway.  Every time we travel on one, it is always under construction.  This of course creates traffic buildup, blocked roads, potholes, and slow traffic that makes everyone upset or frustrated.  It seems that any kind of travel or TRANS PORTAL of our being is meant to trans (trance) port (portal) us into frustration, anger, and possible tragic circumstances.  Today is the day to EXPEL OR EXIT THE SPELL.  We may have to travel physical highways under trivial circumstances, but our MIND AND HEART can travel in HIGH WAVES to expel what has been IN POSED as a reality. 

Today, I decree:

  • I AM honoring my kNOWing and exiting the spell of anything that is substandard, subliminal, subjective, or subservient imposed upon my being.

  • I AM honoring my will to exit spell programs of illusion known as magic tricks that keep my consciousness low, angry, or frustrated.

  • I AM exiting the spell of thoughts that diverge the alignment of my Higher Dimensional Cellf.

  • I AM wrapping all my thoughts in love. 

  • I AM a HIGH WAVE engineer of positivity, creation, and love planning to modify my ways.

  • I AM FOR GIVING to heal all the potholes of my own mis-creation.

  • I AM waking up from the sleep of the dark angels in kNOWing that I can TRANCE PORT my being, mind, and heart in HIGH WAVES of positive thinking and love.

  • I AM calling upon the Transitioning Power of the Violet Flame to remedy, renew and realign all conditioned trance portation in my being.

  • I AM in thanksgiving of kNOWing that love travels at the speed of light.

  • I AM sending High Waves of forgiveness to all those who have entangled my heart in pathways of hate and separation.

  • I AM clearing the super HIGH WAVE of my mind to release thoughts of torn men-t and division.

  • I AM the Three-Fold Flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power as the Trinity of the Divine.  A Trinity is only divisible by one for we are the ONE.

  • I AM kind and aware of those who drive vehicles of distraction as I AM driving a vehicle of love creation.

  • I AM building peace, keeping peace, and living in peace showing the way to those asleep at the wheel of illusion.

  • I AM REAL escaping the wheel of illusion. 

  • I AM REAL (Spanish word for ROYAL) for I AM seated in the throne room of my kingdom as the union of the King Mind Power and the Queen Heart Power of my enlightened pineal gland.

  • I AM the united Alpha and Omega as One.

  • I AM the harmonious Middle Way.

  • I AM peace when dark constructs want me in pieces.

  • I AM illumined peace that allows others to see pieces of themselves that are missing.

  • I AM undisturbed peace.  I recognize that disturbance of peace is turbulence of the subconscious.

  • I AM constructing in HIGH WAVES, new ways of unification.

  • I AM responsible for my ACTs because they are recorded in my cellular IONS, thus called ACTIONS.

  • I AM Christ Peace.  I SEE in the SEA of true Light Consciousness.

  • I AM the Aquarian Age.  I welcome HIGH WAVES AS NEW WAYS OF TRANCE PORTAL communion with the Divine.


11/29 is the beginning of Ophiuchus, and a second 11/11 portal. Ophiuchus is called the 13th zodiac sign that only exists in the 5D realm and is known as the Serpent Bearer. When love and power unite, the ego known as the serpent overcomes duality and self-sabotage. This portal between Scorpio and Sagittarius awakens higher truths that transcend limitations and habitual behaviors. I AM WISDOM affirmed today.

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