Key Coding a New Storyline

By Claudia Berenguer

Planet Terra has been subjected to key codes and codes written by fallen angels that are not in alignment with the highest good of our planetary evolution. 

For example, as humans, we are programmed to follow:

•    Maritime legal system codes that govern local, state, and federal governments.
•    Tax codes that categorize and exploit our abundance. 
•    Hospital codes of engagement that dictate our state of illness or death. 
•    Insurance codes that program us to accept and pay for diseases.
•    Work codes of conduct that make us tired, anxious, stressed, and sick. 
•    Political policies and police enforcement codes that mark our race, gender, and religion as forms of separation.
•    Grocery store codes that label our food and track our habits and spending. 
•    Pre-coded computers, telephones and TVs with operating systems that control our daily lives through algorithms and spy on us. 

Meanwhile, secret societies use their own communication codes to exclude, abuse, and empower themselves in codes of conduct and mafia-style business codes that benefit their power and enrichment as a form of enslavement of others.

These are just a few examples of codes that affect humanity in negative ways. But here is the deep revelation: 
Codes are enforced because the story has been written by a dark force.  In other words, the HE in HE-story (history) is the dark breath SPELL imposed by the fallen angels.  HE-story has been the manipulation of the storyline in the ordained programming of the story.  However, HE-story doesn’t have to be MY-story.   The words me, my, myself and I derive from the Solfeggio frequency of 528 HZ known as the Miracle Tone.  This musical tone is also the note of MI and frequency of willpower located on the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Therefore, today, I stand and declare:

As a Christ Consciousness Sovereign Being of Light.  I reclaim my mystery. MY story is the entry into the NOW.  I release any and all consent, in all timelines, that acknowledge the code programming of the fallen angels; taught as history.

November is a powerful month to reclaim power for humanity.  November means 9.  Nine is the 3X3, or the end of a cycle that calls for change.  November is the 11th month of the calendar.  In numerology, 11 is a doorway.  This meaningful chemistry of numbers for November can magnify our MANIFESTATIONS.

And we begin to encode these outcomes:

  • I AM key coding heartfelt prosperity and limitless abundance of all kinds for ME. 

  • I AM equally key coding prosperity for all humanity and removing codes of lack or limitation.

  • I AM key coding outcomes of love, peace, and brotherhood on Terra and across the Universe.

  • I AM key coding health and wellness to MY body.

  • All is possible because I AM the Soul (sole) Encoder.  I AM the key to my own evolution and conscious expansion.

  • I AM key coding the removal and peaceful release of all past and present traumas.

  • I AM key coding peace of heart and forgiveness for MYcellf and all of humanity.

  • I AM the key to MY own evolution.  I key code love to expand, surround, replace, and decode thoughts of separation and war. 

  • I AM a MYstery as I encode positive potentials for ME to experience in MY everyday reality.

  • I AM a MIracle Master.

  • I deprogram and cancel all negative inorganic codes that are not aligned with the Universal Code of Light, Love, Power, and Wisdom for all humanity.

  • I AM decoding all malware imposed without MY consent on the physical and etheric levels.  I AM asking for this malware’s eternal removal NOW and anywhere in the multiverse.

  • I AM the programmer and code expert of MY own hardware.  Only I can key code MY own experiences as MYsteries of MY story.

  • I AM a Linear Observer of Vibratory Evolution.  I AM LOVE.

  • I AM daily declaring MY freedom and sovereignty from imposed enslavement codes.

  • I AM free from code dependency and programming.

  • I AM grateFULL for this knowledge. What I wish for MYself, I amplify and share in love with all of humanity.

  • I AM key coding ONENESS with the Creator and all of Creation.

All-MI-ghty I AM
All-MI-ghty I AM
All-MI-ghty I AM

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