I AM the Epiphany of Wisdom Culminating the 12 Days of Christmas

By Claudia Berenguer

In the silence of winter, as we celebrate the reverence of a newborn King, let us expand our festive observance of Christ•Mass with heightened awareness.

There is much meaning to the song, Silent Night. It relates to the celebrated birth of our beloved Jesus/Yeshua. Historically, the song was originally a poem written by an Austrian priest, Josef Mohr (1792-1848). It was set to music and translated into English by John Freeman Young in 1856. It is hard to imagine the Christmas season without hearing it.

Yeshua, a King of Mastery unto Himself, volunteered to be born at an auspicious time to anchor the Christ Light known as the crystalline ray light of perfect potential.  As the Son of the Creator, He paved the way of Mastery into the Light of Resurrection anchoring the Spring Equinox of Renewal and Eternal Energy. His journey and that of the Wise Ones from the East is the odyssey of discernment, knowing that matter and spirit are one, and that there is no separation at birth. Faith and trust will always be the guiding light in what we may perceive as a Silent Night.

In 2024, let us harmonize our heartfelt revelations as we celebrate the tidings of good cheer carried forward from the festive season of Christ•Mass, which concludes with the arrival of the Maji on January 6, affectionately known as Epiphany.

These are just of a few of the higher frequencies in the process of becoming. The heart knows all. Allow the shifting of these affirmations to expand your emotional connection to Christmas, the magical revelations of the season, and the deep meanings shared in the activity of light known as the Nativity Scene.

I AM the Magical Magi traveling the symbolic 12 days to meet the wondrous newborn child of light anchoring the crystalline light of my perfect potential.

I AM the Christ anew as the immaculate concept portrayed by the babe wrapped in love.

I AM the union of all portrayed in the Nativity. I AM the fire of the stars. I AM the earth of creation.  I AM the air and breath of faithful hope. I AM the fluid water of consciousness that bridges all sentient life on this planet with the realms of the undefined.

I AM the house of bread known as Bethlehem.

I AM the breath/bread of life rising to inner light perfection.

I AM the innocence of love, as the Christ Child teaches me to be tender and mild.

I AM heavenly peace, as my heart has taught my ego rest and peace of mind.

I AM leading by loving example and not power.

I AM awake from the deep sleep of night that has silenced my freedom.

I AM Christ Light born anew as my own Savior.

I AM a new star anchoring the expansion of Light as a sovereign being co-creating in communion with Source.

I AM wise in the knowledge of the bright star that has been promised to ignite within me new patterns of perfection into the Golden Age.

I AM the wise man of discernment and spiritual vision for the new 5th dimensional New Earth.

I AM the awakening pineal gland now recognized as the North Star of Being.

I AM the Truth as only the truth can see and face the Creator with an open and humble heart. 

I AM an ornament of love and living light consciousness.

I AM the Tree of Life. I AM the Christmas tree adorned with precious experiences of light in a pyramid of love consciousness since my soul’s inception.

I AM the radiant light of birth and regeneration as the preordained promise of mankind.

I AM humble faith co-creating with the Creator as the Ma Ray/Mary anchored the miracle of life potential in her Son/Sun.

I AM the Star.  I recognize the unity of the universe within me as a Starseed of guiding hope and good counsel.

I AM a son/daughter of God. As a child of the Creator's radiant light, I reflect the redeeming grace of His own Son.

I AM the Master Key/King to the door of my perfect potential. My Higher Self is the open door that no man can shut.

I AM a Starseed Shepherd leaving pastures of confusion to align my self/cellf with new truths.

I AM the restoration, and 2024 will be the rebuilding of the true Temple of Light as the Spiritual Body conquers and finally silences the night of sleep into the day of resurrected light.

I AM reborn as the Alpha completes the Beth of Bethlehem.  I AM the full Alphabet as the mind sees the infinite possibilities in loving, sincere communion with Source Light.

Silent night, holy night!
Wondrous star, lend thy light!
With the angels let us sing
Alleluia to the King!
Christ the Savior is here,
Jesus/Yeshua the Savior is here!
Jesus/Yeshua the Savior is here!

My spiritual senses guide me in faith and love to the epiphany that
In the same manner, the Wisemen knew, on the Silent Night, that their announcement of the birth
of the Christ Child would bring forth the same evolution in consciousness for humanity.

All-MI-ghty I AM
All-MI-ghty I AM
All-MI-ghty I AM

Here are the original lyrics to this beloved Carol:

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, All is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy Infant so Tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from heaven afar;
Heavenly hosts sing Al-le-lu-ia!
Christ the Saviour is born!
Christ the Saviour is born!

Silent night, holy night!
Wondrous star, lend thy light!
With the angels let us sing
Alleluia to our King!
Christ the Saviour is here,
Jesus the Saviour is here!

Silent night, Holy night!
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus Lord at thy birth;
Jesus Lord at thy birth.


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