I AM a Wave Warrior Sun-A Master of Alchemy and Transformation

by guest writer Jeanene Tips
Introduction input by Claudia Berenguer

  • At conception I BEcame a character. [energy]

  • With the first sound out of my mouth, I BEcame a player. [frequency]

  • A Heart of LoVe = Pulse. [vibration]

With the infusion of higher vibratory frequencies, and the gift of GRACE, I AM a first wave warrior that broke free from the matrix. I AM aware that, for NOW, I AM a character, playing a player, with a pulse, who is aware of the krysted consciousness of the diVine. The time is NOW for us to step out of the roles of character and player and write a revolutionary new script; a complete shift in the construct; a new game, in a new energetic expression.

Through the direct experience of realization, our awarenesses have increased. In this moment of NOW, every solar flare is a masterpiece of alchemy and transformation. The influx of solar codes are activating our original diVine blueprint. DiVine DNA operates in conjunction with the DiVine Matrix. Gaia’s Soul and LightBody DNA are now coming into form. HUman’s Soul and LightBody DNA are now coming into form. Our new HUman consciousness, and our upgraded chemistry, is paving the way for a more authentic and purposeful life journey. This campaign has been diVinely planned, meticulously orchestrated, witnessed, proclaimed and honored. Our victory is absolute!

I come as ONE. I stand for ALL. I volunteered to be an active participant in this, the leading-edge evolution of the HUman species. This is the end of the road for our lower HUman identity. A global dimensional shift is fully underway. This is a new simulation that requires consciousness choosing. I call forth, for ALL, the conscious awareness of a higher-realm-of-consciousness; where Spirit and Soul await our partnership.

I AM a Quantum Change Agent; able to program new realities. We are purposed to be consciousness in action. By focusing on our purpose, putting our expectations on the table and weaving them together, we can empower the awareness of Ascension and activate the diversity that completely transmutes the dynamics of our outdated Piscean script. Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Welcome to the Golden Age of Miracles.

  • * This is the time of frequency Ascension.

  • * Ascension is the awareness of TRUTH.

  • * Awareness is Knowledge; NO more half-truths.

  • I AM that I AM. I AM the Light. I AM the LoVe. I AM the Truth. I AM that YOU are.

  • Pave the way for our quantum shift. How diVine!!!

♡ J9




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