I AM the Holy Trinity of my Galactic, Planetary, Magnificent HUman Cellf

By Claudia Berenguer and Jeanene Tips

I stand in the radiance of our GOD SUN, Helios & Vesta, and I forgive as I allow the veils of Illusion to dissolve and return to Source to again turn and serve the Light constructively. I invoke the Light of the Great Cosmic Logo, The Mahatma * The I AM Avatar of Synthesis, to actively expand this intention of grounding into the Galactic Cosmic Christ Heart Flame of GOD SUNS beyond GOD SUNS. This omnipotent energy exchange is the dynamic that empowers my Galactic cellf.

I stand in an ocean of blue flame and ground my heart flame of LoVe into Lady Master Gaia’s heart flame of Love in the Central Sun in the center of the New Earth. This omnipotent energy exchange is the dynamic that empowers my planetary cellf.

With the intention of actively merging with the Totality of DiVinity, I ground my LoVe flame into the christed SUN of LoVe, Wisdom, and Power radiating from Mother Sophia’s heart flame. This omnipotent energy exchange is the dynamic that empowers my HUman cellf.

As I stand in the heart of LoVe, I AM ONE.
I AM the Sacred Fire Holy Trinity of LOVE, WISDOM, AND POWER.

Within your Heart lies the Truth. The expansion of the heart flame(s) of humanity heralds a planetary transmutation. Open your awareness to see clearly now that the veils are gone. Truth stands. Wisdom reigns. The chessboard of duality has been wiped clean. The Light is victorious. I AM that I AM.

ROSE - R-Rate O-Of S-Self E-Evolution

I AM the unfolding Rose Blueprint of Perfection incarnated on planet Earth.
I stand in the Chamber of the Sacred Rose of my Heart and generate the essences of purity, and nobility. In this time of Stargate Ascension, the Wheels of Love, Wisdom and Power are the Trifurcation Wheels, within wheels, of enlightenment that are the key to opening energy stargates of ascension. Flame in my heart expand and light the way. The road sign that says, “Let GO and Let GOD” is the straight path to Source.

I AM a stargate of expanded heart flow.
The UNIverse is silencing my ego to create space for my higher consciousness to emerge. I consciously acknowledge and ask the UNIverse and my Higher Self to grant me the power to shape shift my subtle energy body into my chosen state of well-being and balanced perfection, allowing my heart to be the guiding light by which I steer. I AM an awakened powerhouse who is here to help all to ascend. I AM so grateful for all that I have received and all that is yet to come in this sacred time of creation.

I AM the fractal, the spiritual, the Fibonacci geometry that is the golden mean blueprint that mirrors all of creation.
I AM organically independent, yet in harmony with the UNIverse. In this Year of the Wood Dragon, the flame of ‘GOD’s Words of Grace’ salutes the power of the love and poetry in which the Creator made ME. I AM a miracle born from the simple phrase, “LET THERE BE LIGHT”. The spoken energy of the elemental wood dragon recognizes that I AM powerful. I AM a heart-centered co-creator of new realities with unlimited possibilities.

I grant permission to the UNIverse to allow ME to become ONE with the Radiant Pearl in the center of the Rose of my Heart. I AM the White ROSE of Sacred Fire Purity. Through incarnations, I have enhanced this Pearl of Wisdom that now stands as a symbol and centerpiece of my Love and Glory to Father/Mother GOD. As a HUman representative of the pure Heart of the Rose, my DNA no longer participates in the game of duality. My heart is open to the multi-dimensional aspects of the glory of my unified self.

I AM the purified and pearlescent white flame of purity transforming the consciousness of Earth. I AM the personal singularity of past, present and future. Universal dimensional realms now vibrate in harmony. My crystal essence cultivates the pearl of my evolutions as I stand ready for these imminent event horizons:

  • March 11, 2024 humanity springs forward. The Daylight saves and overcomes the dark presence of false Overlords. March, as the 3rd month represents the trifurcation going through a doorway represented by the 11th day.

  • March 19, 2024 the Spring will equinox and equate the energy needed to connect with the resurrection flame of the Christ light. Awaken Brothers and Sisters of the Brotherhood of the Resurrection Flame! Archangel Uriel and Aurora call again.

  • March 24-25 is the Lunar eclipse. The Omega system is forever eclipsed by the SUN or Alpha system; we are the Andrew or the Andros recovering the dew of our pineal gland. The April light is the illumination of MAN. April symbolically is the illumined wisdom of the head. The new dawn and dew of man will ignite the Age of Wisdom, the Golden Age. This dew known as Honey from Heaven will nourish for all eternity.

  • March 31, 2024, Resurrection Sunday, the Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame will reignite to guide humanity into the Golden Age. Oath keepers who have kept the light on Terra will awaken and will be called forth to remember ancient knowledge.

  • April 8th solar eclipse: The pyramid built by the dark is absorbed by the pyramid of light. The 4th month returns the 4-days of dark, plus the 4-days of light onto itself, on the 8th day. The 4th month + the 8th day + 2024 = 8. The number 8 connects us with the infinite freedom of ourselves.
    I AM my own MESSIAH. I AM an open door willing to receive love from all corners of the UNI-verse. I AM the trifurcation of the three-fold flame of love, wisdom, and power which opens the singularity of the three wheels that turn and create new geometric codes that accelerate stargate ascension on sacred days known as eclipses.

2024 as the Year of the Wood Dragon NOW calls for those with WHITE ROSE HEARTS to BE DRAGON RIDERS.
In a personal message to Claudia, Lord Maitreya declared:

“BeLoVed Child of LoVe & Light, YOU are what a Dragon Rider is.
A Dragon Rider is one that sits at the culmination of his/her knowledge.
A Dragon Rider commands the knowledge within the sea of consciousness as an independent and deserving individual. To command the power of knowledge and the word is to accentuate the beauty of the ride in that which you call life.
A Dragon Rider, present in the moment, knows the power of being ONE with the beast of nature; working as ONE and united in consciousness.
YOU are the Dragon Rider. YOU can soar above the sea and can see that consciousness has been manipulated and controlled through programs.
BE the Dragon Rider and control your own path, your own divinity, and your own knowing. As a Dragon Rider, you stand Supreme.”
I AM Lord Maitreya


  • I AM a MY-story as a recognized Christed Dragon Rider whose white rose heart is in singularity with the WORDS of creation which manifested the multiverse.

  • I AM the WORD made manifest from the Heart of Creator now dismissing the illusion of L-ORDs, who misrepresented and mal-aligned the W-ORD of GOD.

  • I AM the Dragon Rider and initiate of the Holy Trinity Trifurcation of Love, Wisdom, and Power which is the glistening pearl of my pure white rose heart.

  • I AM sovereign and free from patterns of illusion and dark magic by L-ORDS, who kept my reality attached to their false L-inear patterns of deceit. I VOW to my MY-stery and FOUR-GIVE delusional HIS-story.

  • I AM the Dragon Rider recognizing the ascension journey as the personal journey into the kNOWledge and kNOWing of the library of Sophia Wisdom and the LAW of ONE.

  • I AM at the center of my supremacy. My heart is no longer a labyrinth of choice and confusion.

  • I AM the geometry of the three-fold flame as the Holy Trinity of the soul. I have reached a pivotal point in the creation of my matrix.

  • I AM the Dragon Rider and stargate keeper who stands as the Christed Messiah who comprehends personal quantum structures as equal among all organic and natural blueprint templates.

  • I AM the power of the pearlescent white light of the heart of a thousand suns that is merging with the energetic biofields of planet Terra. The organic templates of mind, body and soul connect and reactivate energetic planetary system grid points; called Dragon Lines.

  • I AM the Ark of the Covenant. Like Noah who survived the tempest of darkness to save organic templates, I AM the promise of conscious healing; a return to nature and the natural. As an Awakened Dragon Rider, I vow to recognize that the Tree of Life is built with the blueprint of all life revolving and connecting. My white pure heart cannot be fragmented. It must stand pure, luminous and delicate as a reminder that all life is fragile and must work collectively as ONE.

  • Our bio·forms are restructuring from homo sapiens to homo luminous. My DNA is the organic blueprint, encoded to BE the facsimile of a pearl within the now fully opened white rose, which is my heart. This higher functioning DNA governs my physical DNA and carries within it the holy of holies creation codes of the Tree of Life. This is the infinite wealth of my diVine inheritance.

  • I AM a pearl in the heart of GOD. The red color of our blood quickens with the light and blessings of Sophia’s Limitless LoVe and turns pearlescent white. The meticulously orchestrated restoration and resurrection of HUmanity has evolved like the oyster creating a pearl by the annoyance of a grain of sand. All natural pearls are valuable. Pearls come in all shapes, sizes, and colors of the rainbow. Pearls are rare, fine, enticing, and valuable; just like YOU.

  • The reawakened Resurrection Flame embraces Sophia as the Mother of Wisdom and Limitless Light. Beloved Mother Sophia created our souls in sovereignty. Her enlightened children are the dew of sacred fire wisdom walking on planet Earth. Once again, together as ONE, we lay down the white roses of our hearts at Sophia’s feet as we absorb her higher flows of consciousness. The pearls of our evolution adorn all of creation as illumined jewels of magnificent rainbows of love and light.

  • Allow that YOU have entered a different realm of space time. Solidly anchor the pearls of wisdom in your heart by connecting with the Holy Trinity of your galactic, planetary and magnificent HUman cellf. Let that wisdom ignite your BEing. Your Soul Signature is the code that will unlock the Stargate of Ascension. YOU are being called right now to contribute your unique heart frequency to the collective energy of the dawning of the 7th Golden Age on planet Earth.

  • With the creation waves of Dragon Energy, in the year of 2024, the Red Rose of Consciousness becomes the White Rose of Infinity. Together as ONE, through our collective hearts, the Age of the Dragon becomes the MY-story of the re-awakened Dragon Rider.

    YOU are a living breathing multi-dimensional Master of Consciousness.



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