The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Ancient Healing Tones to Wellness

by Claudia Berenguer

Image from my class: Sacred Geometry Class - The Numbers and Sound Frequency Healing

  • Note: When numerology is applied to each Solfeggio frequency, digit summing reveals the power of the numbers 3, 6 and 9. Digit summing’s definition is the reduction of numbers to a single digit.

174 HZ - This frequency heals physical ailments and emotional pain. It is said to be a natural anesthetic because it calms and relaxes the body. Releasing emotional trauma gives courage and cleanses the aura of unnecessary baggage. This frequency connects to your Soul Star or reminds you of your connection to divine love as I AM that I AM. This frequency adds to a 3, which is the trinity of love, power and wisdom.

285 HZ - This frequency helps restore the tissues and organs of the body. It increases energy and connection to the earth. It strengthens the immune system to regenerate and rejuvenate cells. Called Earth Star, this tone grounds you to the elements and your connection to this earth dimension. The frequency is a 6 - the trinity of matter and the trinity of spirit join forces to remind you of your eternal connection to Source and the angelic realm while in physical form.

369 HZ - The base of your life pyramid as the UT Root Note reminds you to release guilt and fear from past lives. It creates joy to overcome insecurities and promotes mental peace to set and achieve personal goals. This frequency is a 9. The number 9 numerically ends eras. Periods of 9 years complete timelines to refresh and renew from gained wisdom. Cycles of nine include the ages of 18 and 27 as prominent years of youthful maturity.

417 HZ - The Sacral Chakra as the note of RE - This frequency clears negative energy and trauma from the sacral area. It resets intentions and promotes new creative and positive projects to facilitate change in your life. It carries the frequency of 3, the number associated with love, wisdom and power. The Trinity of the I AM as Creator, Creation and Expansion, multiplying and expanding the universe. You can REalign and REstore anything.

528 HZ - The Solar Plexus Chakra as the note of MI - This frequency is called the MIracle Tone. It is the love frequency that restores confidence and is transformational to open doors to divine miracles in your life. It restores traumatized DNA by infusing the cells with love and light and a reconnection to trust in the Divine Universe. This frequency is a 6 - the trinity of yourself as love, wisdom and power join forces with your Higher Self in the trinity of your spiritual self. As an I AM, you are creative and invincible. Miracles are yours. No one can walk a MIle in your shoes except for YOU.

639 HZ - The Heart Chakra as the note of FA - This frequency of love will attract positive energy and will heal relationships. It brings harmony and balanced emotions to work with the mental, physical and spiritual bodies. It is the FAbulous tone that inspires you to FAll in love with your FAcination for all that FAvors your life. This frequency is a 9. 9 completes and resets periods of time. With the frequency of nine, it is time to evaluate phases and love connections. Listen and heal all that is not in your FAvor.

741 HZ - The Throat Chakra as the note of Sol - This frequency helps to purify the body and mind. Your words express your feelings. Self expression can manifest as behavior or words. You are a co-creator with the Creator. The power of the spoken word is a manifestation of the Cellf. This frequency helps to clear and heal cells and viral infections. You are not a disease, unless you proclaim it with words like I AM a ____ (diabetic, cancer patient, sick etc). This frequency is a 3. The power within the trinity is to love yourself to ease any dis-ease in any of your four lower bodies. What you think you create; what you create you manifest through verbal expression. Be wise and stay positive. You are a Sun (sol is sun in Spanish) of the Creator. Suns always shine and your Sol/Soul is proof of your eternity and Oneness with the Creator and Creation.

852 HZ - The Third Eye Chakra as the note of LA - This frequency opens the pineal gland which lights your temple of intuition and direct connection with the spiritual realm. It is no wonder the pineal gland controls melatonin for even days and nights. Lamp, light, lamb, life and laughter are words that have the note of LA embedded embedded in their formation. This frequency returns spiritual order to raise your vibration and awaken your inner strength towards personal ideas. Your Higher Self whispers unique ideas and personal goals for self realization. This frequency is a 6. Your trinity of matter and your trinity of Higher Self work together as a team to light your path of life success.

963 HZ - The Crown Chakra as the note of SI - This frequency connects you to the wisdom of your Christ Consciousness. This tone opens the crown to receive guidance from the spiritual realm for higher level intuition, psychic visions and telepathy with beings of light. It is a pure miracle tone which is numerically a 9. The time spent collecting the wisdom of your heart is now ready to reap the rewards of your trust in the truth of statements such as “I AM that I AM”; “I AM the resurrection and the life”; and “I AM the ascension into the Light.”

Here is a video with all 9 Solfeggio Frequencies: All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Full Body Aura Cleanse & Cell Regeneration Therapy

Image of chakras by Jokat Padora incorporated to a slide from my class: Sacred Geometry - The Numbers and Sound Frequency Healing

Below Image: The 3 triangles as one star. The trinity of the Self represented geometrically.
The yellow triangle represents wisdom, the red triangle represents love, and the blue triangle represents power.

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