9-Plane Anti-Life Energy Clearing

This meditation exercise will clear any anti-life energy you body may be carrying. Please do not rush to clear all nine planes at once. Read all the information before you begin. Work slowly and heal between each meditative healing time. It is always a good idea to stay hydrated and to get plenty of rest.

“Before we begin with this exercise, please understand that what you are about to engage in is a form of psychic surgery that is directed by Source. You are actively participating in and co-creating your new Light form by engaging this process. It does not all have to be completed at once. You should follow your own intuition and guidance you receive from Source on how far you should take this at any one time.

The following YouTube video is recommended because it contains all 9 of the Solfeggio Frequencies (which Source informed me are master keys to clearing each of your bodies in each plane of your being), as well as your neurological system’s natural operating frequency (40 Hz) and the Schuman Resonance (7.83 Hz):


Each of the 9 planes within your person holds one of your bodies, which are as follows:

9 th Plane – Soul Body

8 th Plane – Etheric Body

7 th Plane – Emotional Body

6 th Plane – Mental Body

5 th Plane – Causal Body

4 th Plane – Astral Body

3 rd Plane – Physical Body

2 nd Plane – Familial/Ancestral Body

1 st Plane – Devic Body

In order to get a complete removal, start with the 9 th Plane and work down. This ensures that only Source Light Energy, Essence, and Consciousness will be able to move between the planes within your being and manifest your reality. Start the above YouTube video (or another that you feel resonates better with you), then use the following script as you do the work. As you work with each step, you should be in Theta, and your focus should remain on the state of each body you are actively working on at the moment. It is not necessary to know exactly what caused the Anti-Life Energy, Essence, or Consciousness to become embedded in your various planes and bodies (unless you feel you need to re-experience it), only to know that it is being removed for you to assume your complete Light Form, as Source originally intended you to manifest.

I begin this process to return my complete self to its original 100% Light form that Source intended for me to assume. In order to do this, I choose to actively remove any Dark Energy, Essence and Consciousness that remains within each of the planes within my being and their associated bodies. I turn my attention first to the 9 th Plane within my person, my Soul Body. I focus on any remaining Dark Energy which may still reside within the 9 th Plane of my person. If any Dark Energy remains within my Soul Body, I now excise and release it, and I return that energy to Source for transmutation, NOW!! In its place, any holes or gaps in my Soul Body resulting from this excision process I fill with 100% pure Source Light Energy, now!

(Pause and observe as this happens within your Soul Body, about 2 minutes or more depending on the amount of clearing required.) With the removal of any remaining Dark Energy from my Soul Body, all negative transmutation processes which were previously active are rendered IMPOTENT! I now turn my attention to any remaining Dark Consciousness within the 9 th Plane of my person. If any Dark Consciousness remains within my Soul Body, I now excise and release it, and return that Consciousness to Source for transmutation, NOW!! I its place, any holes or gaps in my Soul Body resulting from this excision process I fill with 100% pure Source Light Consciousness, now!

(processing time)

With the removal of any remaining Dark Consciousness, I now turn my attention to any Dark Essence that still resides within the 9 th Plane of my person. Any remaining Dark Essence within my Soul Body, I now excise and release it, and return that Essence to Source for transmutation, NOW!! In its place, any holes or gaps in my soul Body resulting from this excision process I fill with 100% pure Source Light Essence, now!

(processing time)

With all Dark Energy, Essence and Consciousness removed, I now flood my Soul Body with 100% pure Source Energy, Essence and Consciousness to empower and energize my Soul Body so it will become impervious to infiltration by any Dark forces.

(processing time)

I now turn my attention to the space between the 9 th and 8 th Planes within my being. Any Dark Energy, Essence or Consciousness remaining in this space, I now excise and release, returning it to Source for transmutation, now! I flood this space with 100% pure Source Light Energy, Essence, and Consciousness. If this space is no longer needed for me, I give it permission to collapse into and merge with the 9 th Plane of my being, so it will be a powerful force for Light that cannot be affected by Darkness, from now until Eternity.

Once you complete this cycle, repeat the exercise replacing all references to 9 th Plane or Soul Body with 8 th Plane and Etheric Body.

Repeat again for the 7 th Plane/Emotional Body. When finished with this cycle, there is an additional step: I now seal my Soul, Etheric and Emotional bodies against any influence from any Dark forces and bind them together under this protection as a singular, powerful force for Light, pristine and pure. I receive and anchor this Light within these bodies forevermore.

You may stop here if you feel the need to do so, however you may also continue by repeating the process with the 6 th , 5 th , and 4 th planes, linking the sealed triad with the higher sealed triad, then do it again (if you are ready to proceed) for the 3 rd , 2 nd and 1 st Planes.

At the very end, finish with the following: If I have missed or failed to perceive anything in this process, I leave it in the hands of Source. I give permission for this process to continue for as long as is necessary for this to be completed with 100% Accuracy and 100% Perfection. So it is!

Source: unitednetwork.earth and the office of CARE


The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Ancient Healing Tones to Wellness


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