New Sacred Geometry class: The 22 Letters of Light

Light is the essence of knowing the inner truth. Through evolutionary journeys of development, we choose our vibrational frequency. This journey we call life is filled with information that we take for granted. The name we choose for our existence in this moment in time is one that has been planned for many lifetimes. This physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental change of our present existence can be explained by the vibrational frequency that has given us our identity NOW. What information is hidden within a name? What does each letter of a name mean in this time of Ascension? Have our names, as pronounced and given to us, been a constant cheer to bridge us into the Golden Age?

In this class, the ABC’s of our alphabet have been aligned with the Hebrew alphabet, the Egyptian alphabet and the Tarot Major Arcana cards. This alignment opens a window to a reality that heretofore has not been openly discussed, taught or written about. Understanding these deeply embedded connections opens a pathway to intuitions and insights that, with loving intent, can open the natural pathways of knowledge from our heart centers.

As a spiritual medium, I have unpacked and decoded 70 letters of the 1,000,000 letter celestial alphabet. These 70 letters align through 3 alphabets and the original Arcana Tarot Cards. By aligning and expanding our comprehension of the hidden meanings of the letters and symbols of our primary means of communication, we awaken to the insights of balanced creation.

It is time to stand before the mirror of meaning and ask: What is the essence of my name? What past, present or future lessons are hidden in the letter code of the name I have chosen to enter the 5th dimension?

This class is a fascinating glimpse into the power of each of our names. My name is my birthright. My name is my legacy. My greatness and my presence are inscribed in my name. My name is logged in the evolving records of the great Akash. I want to see and understand what is written.

The great awakening has begun. As Star Souls, our names hold the power to open doors of magnificence.

I am thrilled to have collaborated with a dear friend and Master Decree Writer, Jeanene Tips, in formulating this class.

This class is now available through Zoom. Please email me at to accommodate a time.

I AM now offering a Name Analysis Document Consultation. In this consultation, I will email you the deciphering of each letter of your name and provide you with all the information that spells your divine intent and purpose. Go to my Shop for pricing and details.


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