Sacred Geometry Class - Welcome Aquamarine Ray Energy


The abundance of the universe is vast. We are living in truly exciting times as we all navigate into our own waters of divine purity. Creator’s Consciousness is best explained in the frequency of colors that make up our auric field, the Merkabah, or Temple of the Sacred Twelve of our being. Since 2012, we have been on a journey of discovery. Unknown to many, the Aztecs predicted an end time. This information was misinterpreted, as it was never to be an end marked by destruction, but rather one of self-mastery, resurrection, and ascension.

This course explores the Aquamarine Ray frequency that 2022 brought into our consciousness. We, as Terrans, have been on a journey of the heart since the beginning of 2020. Our I AM energy is being honed to recognize the balance and wisdom of the five secret rays of the spiritual heart in preparation for 5th dimensional consciousness.

This course explains the understanding of the triple 2's of this year, the portal of 2/2/2022, and the energy of this amazing year. 2022 promised to purify, balance, and temper everything to flow in a stream of positive cleansing and rebirthing energy.

Since I taught this class in February of 2022, many of my predictions have come true. Sign up for this class and allow me to teach you what is in store for 2023 and 2024.

To book and purchase this class, please go to Shop.

When I meditate and connect with my angels and guides, they often mentor me on current events and information which formulated this class. Here is a message I received from Archangel Michael regarding the energy of 2022 as the Aquamarine Ray of the Mother healing the emotional aspect of humanity. This energy will arrive in full force on the Spring Equinox, March 20 or 21st, 2022. Read this message as it applies to all of us. Remember that water is an element that flows, purifies, creates, and renews. I hope that the wisdom contained in this simple message speaks to your heart today:

“You are pure liquid and fluid energy in manifestation.  Water merges aspects of your heart signifying perfection.

The Aquamarine Ray is the fluid consciousness of who you seek to be. It is the balance of your own feminine and masculine energy that creates perfection. You are now in a state of grace right now. By that, we mean you are in a state of ascension. Call upon the balance of energy to qualify and quantify in your favor. Allow the water within you to absorb positive influences of joy. Allow the fluid of the energy to balance (forgive, release, and bless) all of your chakras. It is time to clear and purify in the energy of frequency.

Water is a conductor of electricity. (Moisture in the air carries sound).

Water is healing.

Water is illumined consciousness. (the emotional body is the record keeper of all memories).

Water is all healing and revealing.

Be one with the All (you) and the ALL (Creator).

Be one with the flow of energy within you as it cascades into your heart of awareness.

You are the manifestation of your state of grace.”


Sharing the Healing Energy of Crystals in Beautiful Wire Wrapped Jewelry


Sacred Geometry Class - The Numbers and Sound Frequency of Healing