Archangel Jophiel

by Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Jophiel is the angel of wisdom and beautiful thoughts.  He serves the Creator to amplify the Christ Consciousness of every man, woman, child, and elemental on this planet.  Wisdom is enlightenment in the understanding of cosmic law and the sacredness of the organic geometry that expands the universe into all that is good.  Archangel Jophiel is the guardian of the crown chakra.  The Crown Alpha Chakra works in coordination to balance the Omega Root Chakra.  When the energy of these two chakras is fully open as the outer ring of the causal body, the “City-Four Square” base of the Pyramid of Life is fully secure, and the Temple of Wisdom has been rebuilt through Kundalini energy.  The physical body is like the Egyptian four-sided pyramid.  Each side of the base (Root Chakra) represents an aspect of the human universal body.  The four sides work in equilibrium to restore energetic fullness to the spiritual body, the physical body, the emotional body, and the mental body in the quest for illumination and knowledge of the self as co-creator with the Creator. Each side of the base (City Four-Square) also represents the basic elements for all organic life in fire, air, water, and earth because appreciation of the Self encompasses the appreciation of all creation as mirror images.  Full illumination is reached when all points of the mental/air, physical/earth, spiritual/fire, and emotional/water bodies meet in the capstone that is the top of the pyramid of knowledge (Crown Chakra).  In ritualistic custom, mimicking this sacred geometric information, college students wear a square cap on the crown of the head to represent the full knowledge of a degree/subject of study.

Archangel Jophiel sits on the 2nd ray and represents the planetary body of the Sun. Fittingly, his ray color is yellow defining the radiance of the golden sun of cosmic wisdom. His name means “Beauty of God” and his twin Archeia is called Christine. Other spellings of Archangel Jophiel’s name include Jofiel, Zophiel, Iophiel, Iofiel, and Yofiel. As I AMs that I AM, hue-mans are considered children of the Sun as Sons of the Creator God. The crystal energy in all 12 aspects of the Creator are the Christ qualities that belong to all. Therefore, Archangel Jophiel is relentless in teaching and educating humanity to hue in new and advanced methods of education and communion with the Mind of God to experience self-knowledge. Self-knowledge serves the individual Kingdom/MI-nd, but also the process SI-stems for the progression of humanity in SI-mmetry with the expansion of Universal LA-ght (light). As the solfeggio frequency of the tone of SI, Archangel Jophiel offers every human being the opportunity to SI-t in the throne room of the Third Eye Chakra and to have SI-ght which is the 360 degrees of your kingdom as a sovereign being in direct communion with God.

In Jewish tradition, Archangel Jophiel is credited as the angel who guarded the Tree of Knowledge and accompanied Adam and Eve when they were expelled from the Garden of Eden by the Creator. In Kabbalah, he is the angel who guards the Tree of Life (the 7 chakras aka: the human skull and spine). Also in Kabbalah, Archangel Jophiel is one of the three angels who help Archangel Michael fight evil in the spiritual realm with a flaming sword of knowledge. As an extension of this, Jewish tradition calls for Archangel Jophiel to oversee the reading of the Torah on Sabbath days of worship. Archangel Jophiel appears in other mysterious texts such as the “Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses”. He is mentioned in books excluded from the Bible and in magical books such as the “Veritable Clavicles of Solomon”. In Christianity, Jophiel is the patron angel of artists and intellectuals because he brings increased divine information or creative inspiration to those who wish to create new beautiful or innovative things. He is also said to be the angel to invoke upon to reduce clutter or to find peace and correct energy flow in the home through the practice of Feng Shui.

When Archangel Jophiel appears as a recommendation on my reading table, it is a message to clear the mind of unnecessary clutter of ego thoughts and connect with the soul.  The chatter which is the illusion of drama in everyday life, can impede and distract the MI-nd with feelings of separation from the spiritual realm.  Archangel Jophiel reminds my client to clear their space and allow the purity of each element of the self to organize in patience and order to connect back to Source. Stress can manifest as the frustration over a lack of new ideas or SI-tuations.  Archangel Jophiel offers relief by reminding everyone to appreciate what is already a natural talent.  As a natural being, the true appreciation of what is SI-gnificant in life is within SI-ght in personal creative viSIon.  The illusion that is detachment through incorrect SI-mbolism, can alter and distract the mind to stop SI-nging praises to the Creator in what already exists and is of true value and praise.  The SI-n or Shin (Hebrew alphabet letter) is to not appreciate the self.  We often judge ourselves in comparison to others, or we are told that we are born sinners and not worthy of God’s divinity and love.  The yellow ray of wisdom is the yellow brick road to open the mind and to receive light of acceptance in the SI-mple joy of appreciating the talents within us and the individual creative power that has brought us.  The Alpha Beth is complete when the MI-nd sees endless possibilities in SI-ncere communion with Creator God.

Solfeggio Note of the 7 Archangels illuminating humanity and their corresponding Chakras:

UT - Gabriel – Base of the Spine/Root Chakra
RE - Zadkiel – Sacral Chakra
MI - Uriel – Solar Plexus Chakra
FA – Chamuel – Heart Chakra
SO/SOL – Michael – Throat Chakra
LA – Raphael – Third Eye Chakra
SI – Jophiel – Crown Chakra

Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Jophiel:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Jophiel,

I accept the Angel of the Yellow Flame of Wisdom where I AM.

I SI-t in the SI-lence of my peaceful thoughts and create posSI-tive outcomes with the Creator.

I AM the light of God and the fullness of his love gives me FOUR SI-ght and balance.

I SI-ng praises to the Creator for allowing true SI-ght in all good things around me.

I AM a SI-ngular, SI-gnificant and my SI-gnature adds to the perfection of Creator’s divine plan.

I AM a SI-eed of life blooming in knowledge to become ripe and fruitful in wisdom.

I create and imagine positive SI-tuations as posSI-bilities are infinite.

I call your name, Archangel Jophiel, in SI-ncere love to viSit my heart and give me viSIon to advance the wisdom of the Christhood in everyone I MI-eet.

The four walls of my castle of divinity are secure, and the LAntern of peace and acceptance is lit brightly within.

To Light alone I bow
To Light alone I bow
To Light alone I bow

SUMMARY and other Sacred Geometry information related to Archangel Jophiel:

Planet/Universal Body: The Sun
Chakra: Crown – 1000 petal lotus (10 X 10 X 10 – God is complete in the trinity of expansion through the Mother, Father and Son as Aleph, Mem and Shin)
Color:  Yellow Ray
Ray: 2nd ray of wisdom and illumination
Sound Frequency: 963 HZ – Psychic viSIon, Christ ConcSIousness, pure MIricle tone
Solfeggio Frequency: Original note of SI ( Catholic Church changed it to TI ). Word association: symmetry, system, sing, significant, sincere, sight, sit, siblings, signature, six, syllable, system, symbol, sin, citrine, silver)
Day of the week: Sunday
Hebrew Letter – Resh (Head) - the old is left behind and new comes forth
Tarot Card: The Sun – This Tarot card calls all to see the light of their perfection.  Saluting the Sun is a prayer of gratitude, joy, vitality, and optimism.  The Son is in communion with the Sun, or the light of foresight, purpose, faith and trust.
Essential Oil Association: Sweet Orange Oil, Mandarin Oil, Frankincense, Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Clove.
Tree Association: Oak
Crystal – Topaz, Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Yellow Apatite, Gold, Auralite 23 and Amber

My diffuser Aromatherapy recipe associated with Archangel Jophiel:
9 drops Sweet Orange Oil
6 drops Cinnamon Oil
3 drops Vanilla Oil

Resources: Book “The Masters and their Retreats” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet”,,

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The Five Platonic Solids and the Five Archangels of the Spiritual Heart Rays


Archangel Raphael