The Five Platonic Solids and the Five Archangels of the Spiritual Heart Rays

By Claudia Berenguer

At the center of the physical body is the life force energy of the heart.  As explained in my previous post titled “Archangel Chamuel”,  the physical heart is also the keeper of all memories.  Karmic life lessons are best learned when they are wrapped in experienced emotions.  The importance of the heart is vital in recognizing the emotional body (element of Water) as the keeper and analyst of memories past and present.  Water surrounds our cells, remembers good or bad frequency vibrations, and retains cellular structure that sustains the preservation of the spiritual and physical health of the body. All cellular memory is stored in our DNA as genetic memory. DNA is a spiral structure within the macromolecules of the body that encodes our biological information; as such, humanity mirrors the spiraling energies of the universe that connect us to other dimensions, and realities. The duality (polarity) of the two strands is simply an equal division of the One. DNA is always vibrating and transmitting information as waveforms, frequencies and vibrations that form a traceable spiral path. Presently, only 2 strands of DNA are awake, although 10 more are scientifically accepted. The ancients recognized our disconnection from the universe, and the archangels mentioned in mystical and religious texts gave us clues to awaken us to this information. The heart synchronizes all the body systems for higher intuitive awareness and aligns the body to connect with our inner voice. DNA and heart coherence removes belief limitations to enable and activate that which illuminates our connection to the other 10 strands of DNA called The Tree of Life aka: The Tree of Wisdom.

The seven archangels (listed below) represent the Tree of Life as the 7 primary energy points of the spine to include the neck and head. The head is called “our kingdom” and “the throne room of wisdom”. Archangels help humanity comprehend the importance of each chakra as a color-coded ray quality of Deity. The seven physical rays of each chakra are lessons to help humanity “hue” in the aspect of the Creator that is best learned through life lessons while living an experience of time as an incarnated soul on a physical plane. Per the sacred geometry of each Archangel, it is realized that the seven days of the week are a time lapse of opportunity to improve on a weekly basis each aspect of the designated ray. For this reason, the Creator created this planet in 6 days and rested on the 7th. The 7th day as Sun/Son day is to give humanity a time for inner reflection to grow in the triad of His mind as knowledge, wisdom and clear perception.

Here is a breakdown:

Archangel Gabriel / Base of the Spine Chakra / Purity and perfection as the base for all life / Friday / Passive Omega Energy
Archangel Zadkiel / Sacral Chakra / Realignment and Regeneration as a return to Source light / Saturday / Passive Omega Energy
Archangel Uriel / Solar Plexus Chakra / Divine Potential and the perfection of all organic life / Thursday / Passive Omega Energy
Archangel Chamuel / Heart Chakra / Divine Love and Compassion / Mediator and Connector with Source Light / Monday
Archangel Michael / Throat Chakra / Words of Faith, Truth, and the Will of Creator God / Tuesday / Active Alpha Energy
Archangel Raphael / Third Eye Chakra / The Light of Truth in the soul /Wednesday / Active Alpha Energy
Archangel Jophiel / Crown Chakra / Wisdom through Knowledge / Sunday / Active Alpha Energy

As an extension of our physical body, the Creator also gave humanity five additional rays that are stored in the heart as an extension of the physical connection to the spiritual. Think of the 7 chakras as a physical fountain of water and the 5 heart rays as a funnel that sifts out impurities before returning all the water back as a return flow to keep the fountain running eternally. When the 7 spinal chakras/rays connect with the 5 additional rays of the heart, we have a complete 12 spectrum which mark the aspects of the zodiac. The Zodiac is another rotation of time and space in which Earth and human Terrans must travel to expand in both our physical and spiritual natures with the body of the Universe.

The five heart rays as purifiers represent the five organic spiritual elements which give perfection to all universal life. These five organic elements are FIRE, WATER, AIR, EARTH, and ETHER (ether is the God particle). These same elements are present in the physical, but the delicate balance of “as above and so below” must be maintained so that all life throughout in the universe can have respect and unity as extensions of the Creator in a different physical manifestation. For example, a dog from a planet in the constellation of Sirius may be green with six legs, but it is still fire, air, water, earth, and ether and should receive the same level of love and compassion as an earthly dog with four legs and brown fur with the same organic origins of fire, air, water, earth, and ether.

Just as the Tree of Life (7 chakras/rays) are guarded and protected by archangels, the 5 additional rays of the heart are also protected by more mystical and mysterious archangels. These archangels have been debated by scholars and continue to be an enigma due to the secrecy of the Kabbalah. However, I am posting presently what I know to be true, but which is still being heavily researched by others.

Let’s begin with the 8th Peach Ray of Illumination and Archangel Uzziel.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet, author, and lecturer, called Archangel Uzziel the guardian of this ray. In her book “The Masters and Their Retreats”, Archangel Uzziel means “strength of God”. Also, per Ms. Prophet’s book, Archangel Uzziel is the angel who assists humanity in the transition from the seven rays to the mastery of the five secret rays. This, is because the seven rays of Christhood also represent the seven main churches of the world’s religions and the seven seals of the Book of Life, which are the seals of the chakras of every man and woman while in incarnation. When the 8th ray is welcomed and interpreted as a spiritual ray, the karma of the 7 physical chakras becomes Dharma. Therefore, the color designation of this ray is peach. The color peach is the combination of yellow, which represents wisdom and pink; indicative of love. The 8th Peach Ray exemplifies divine union, creation and the joy of forgiveness and the dismissal of the illusion of the ego. When the ego is dismissed, God’s essence appears as the power of faith. Faith dissolves learned comprehension and ignites the wisdom of the Higher Self/Cellf. Archangel Uzziel is said to be the archangel who assists in the process of transcending the rational and connecting with the divine. Sometimes, we must wrestle with fear to learn that faith and trust are the complete surrender to the will of the Creator God. This is the lesson in Genesis 32:24-32 where an angel wrestles with Jacob (the father of the 12 tribes of Israel/representative of the Zodiac). In this Bible passage, Jacob battles with an unnamed angel all night and into the morning seeking a divine blessing of protection when challenged by the fear of his brother's wrath. In the end, the unknown angel grants Jacob's request because his faith and persistence renew his connection with the Creator. It is then that Jacob’s name is changed to Israel, or “He is a ray of Him”, the EL as in ELOHIM.

In Sacred Geometry, Archangel Uzziel is the guardian of the regular Dodecahedron, the outermost shape of the Five Platonic Solids which represents the spiritual God particle, as Ether.  Ether is the organic essence in all of creation which sustains Fire, Water, Air and Earth.  All the elements are universal components of the One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscience aspects of the Godhead.  The dodecahedron is made up of 12 pentagons.  Each line forming the shape of the pentagon represents the 5 elements as building blocks in union and combining to represent the building of all life in the Milky Way traveling the 12 energies of the zodiac.  The five elements are also called “The Hand of God” in all creative and expansive forces in the Universe. In Catholicism, this would be the five wounds of Christ (two wounds in the hands above the heart as Alpha active energy (spiritual and mental action), two wounds in the feet below the heart as Omega passive energy (emotional and physical action), and the side wound to spear the heart (severing the neutral connection to Source). The crucifixion, of course, symbolizes the killing of the Christ/Crystalline energy in all the rays by the rebellion of the Fallen Ones.

The 9th Gold Ray called the Ray of Divine Abundance, Peace and Opulence is guarded by Archangel Tzaphquiel.

Other spellings of Archangel Tzaphquiel include Zaphquiel, and Zaphkiel. In some cultures, the letter T is added to this archangel’s name to not confuse him with Archangel Zadkiel, who is the angel of the 7th ray. Archangel Tzaphquiel is known as the “Angel of Knowledge” and the “Angel of Contemplation”. Knowledge, when combined with the aspects of wisdom and inner knowing/discernment, form the triad that composes the mind of the Creator God. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Discernment are the Eternal Being of the Son, which is represented by the Pyramid and Inverted which form the shape of an Octahedron. The octahedron represents the mental body, or the element of air in the spiritual realm. All that is created in the universe begins with a thought/mental force from the Creator. The Octahedron is also known to contain the 7 main directions from which all creations can expand: north, south, east, west, above, below and center. These directions are the fabric of space that form the garment of the Son or Sun’s that expand the universe. The Octahedron has 8 faces representing the infinite face of the Creator throughout the universe. The Octahedron is the octaves of healing musical frequency that heal all aspects of the Son as the I AM that I AM. The knowledge Archangel Tzaphquiel offers is an instructional awareness on how to apply concepts learned to achieve enlightenment towards spiritual ascension. His aid comes in the form of making the right decision after carefully reviewing and contemplating all information without selfish interests posed by the ego mind. This is the gift of the 9th ray as opulence, peace, and abundance. Therefore, the color designation of the 9th ray is Gold. There is no richer mind than one that is at peace observing the abundance and opulence in the perfection of all creation which sustains all life in balance anywhere in the universe. The perfection and union of the spiritual pyramid of life with the physical pyramid of life, create eternal peace and abundance to all that live and comprehend the mind of the Creator as love, and not ego. ”As above so below” is in perfect union, therefore, the Lord of the 9th Ray is Jesus/Yeshua the Christ. Yeshua was uncorrupted, or free of sin. Knowledge without wisdom or comprehension in the physical plane leads to the 7 deadly sins which corrupt the body, mind, and soul of any individual, or the fabric of life, and seven chakras. When the chakras carry karma, the physical body and mind become dis-eased

The 10th Aquamarine/Turquoise Ray called the Ray of Clarity and Discernment is guarded by Archangel Haniel

Archangel Haniel is the guardian of the Icosahedron, a shape with 20 equilateral triangles joined as faces to form a polyhedron.  Archangel Haniel guards the spiritual element of Water.  This Ray is given the color of aquamarine or turquoise which is the blue color of the Creator’s logos and the white color of purity of the Mother combined to form the “Hallowed Place” of a new I AM as a body of potential.  The Icosahedron represents the universal womb of Omega/passive energy waiting to be impregnated to create a holy innocent.  In Kabbalah, the Icosahedron is the 22 letters of light, or the 22 chromosomes given by each parent to form a new human embryo.  There are 12 vertices in the Icosahedron which are the twelve arms of a clock, the 12 tribes of Israel, 12 strands of DNA and the 12 zodiac signs of all those willing to incarnate as new matter.  Archangel Haniel is connected to Venus, the Cosmic Heart, and the planet whose dance around the sun creates divine pentagonal proportion.  The Pentagram represents the arms of the Five Elements, and the Pentagon the five lines that connect the elements to the heart of the Creator. Pentagonal proportion is the divine fraction humans are given in symmetry by the divine ratio of this shape.  Haniel is the angel of loving joy and fulfillment of the Creator with Creation in all beings and nature. True joy is found in personal satisfaction within, as love for yourself, and not what others expect of you.  Archangel Haniel gives us all strength, strong sense of self and determination to conquer fear, criticism, and expectations/illusions imposed on any person by the delusion of others.  Every person is its own universe of thought.   It is in loving harmony with the Creator that each human must grasp the perspective of the many as fresh constructive ideas and not forced common ideology that stops co-creation. Archangel Haniel has been linked with the Age of Aquarius; His energy encourages us to seek new spiritual knowledge to leave a 3D reality into new cosmic knowledge within the 5th Dimension of human expansion. Archangels are androgenous. However, Archangel Haniel is associated with passive Omega energy, therefore, this angel is often portrayed having more feminine qualities.

The 11th Ruby Ray of Harmony, and Confidence is guarded by Archangel Sandalphon.

Archangel Sandalphon is the twin brother of Archangel Metatron per “The Book of the Angel Rezial” (this text translated by Steve Savedow).  Archangel Sandalphon is said to guard the Earth Star of every human on the planet.  The definition of “Earth Star” is the illumination that exists in the heart of every man, woman, and child on this planet according to the history of their actions contained in the Akashic Records.  Every pyramid of life, or everything that is built by the soul throughout incarnations, is recorded.  Every experience of the mental body/air, physical body/earth, emotional body/water, and spiritual body/fire is the presence of the Holy City.  The Holy City, also called the City Foursquare, is built by every man, woman, and child as a road map to light the Holy of Holies.  The heart never stops learning, and the Holy of Holies is the climb towards the highest states of being in the highest dimensions towards perfect communion with the Creator.  Archangel Sandalphon guards the Cube as the platonic solid that explains the heart of the Holy Spirit.  8 vertices of the Cube are made up of 3 conjunct lines that when multiplied by 4 vertices, create the 12 Aspects of the Eternal Creator.  The upper face of the cube reflects upon the bottom face of the cube as the perfect “as above so below” in all manifestations.  The City Foursquare is the Organic Formula of the 4 elements multiplied by the Trinity of the Creator as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but also Creator, Creation and Expansion. Again, the 12 lines of the Cube represent the 12 aspects, 12 threads of consciousness of the Creator that connect with the 4 forces as even flows of living energy.  The I AM that I AM flows eternally and is the organic expansion of all universal life as the eternal “as above, so below”.  The divine principle of the Cube is the perfect harmony created by spheres of ever moving energy that have a conscious expansion and return to the Creator as the active and passive breath of the Creator in everything and all. Humans mirror this in the material physical body by every breath we take.  We expand and we contract what the Creator gave to each one of us as “His Breath of Life”.  His breath is our eternal soul. In this same manner, a child is born through the birthing process of contractions to expand His divine kingdom.

Archangel Sandalphon is said to present prayers to Source.  Sandalphon is the Archangel of the Holy Spirit as the spiritual manifestation of the Physical Body/Earth.  The color designation for the 11th Ray is the color, Ruby.  Ruby is said to be the color of the “Rose of the Heart”.  When a heart is in bloom, the Holy Spirit is allowed to see the true inner perfection of the heart of every man, woman, and child in creation.  The Ruby Ray is the spiritual body that has returned to the wholeness of his/her true being and holds no karma before the Karmic Board.  All good deeds have been spread throughout all lifetimes and manifestations with prayers of love and forgiveness.  The 11th Ruby Ray, as harmony and confidence, is the ultimate purifier of all physical incarnations.  The Holy Spirit, as the element of spiritual Earth, is the pure dove whose love gives harmony to all that has been created and purified as DNA, or ribbons of love flowing as Christ Consciousness and light.

The 12 Ray Opal Ray of Transfiguration and Transformation is guarded by Archangel Metatron.

Archangel Metatron means “one who guards” or “one who serves behind the throne of God”. In ancient text, it is written that Archangel Metatron, along with his twin brother Sandalphon, chose a human life and were taken up to heaven to become part of the Angelic Realm.  Metatron is said to have been Enoch, and Sandalphon to have been the prophet, Elijah.  Archangel Metatron’s intercession is called upon to reveal inner personal power and bring glory to God.  The Kabbalah calls Archangel Metatron “the king of angels”.  The Torah and the Bible recount the long physical life of Enoch having lived 365 years, which is the same number of days in a year as travel through each month/zodiac sign (See Genesis 5:23-24, Zohar Bereshit 51:474 and Zohar Bereshit 51:475).  In the Zohar, Archangel Metatron receives “…. One thousand keys … into his hands and he takes one hundred blessings every day and creates unifications for his Master.  The Holy One, blessed be He, took him from this world so that he would serve him above.”  In Hinduism and Sacred Geometry, 1000 is the number of lotus petals that signals complete enlightenment.  The number 10 as a return to the One (Creator) is multiplied by the Trinity or 10 X 10 X 10.  The one hundred blessings represent the duality of Father/Alpha/Active/Creator and Mother/Omega/Passive/Creation as the 10 X 10 = 100.  Creator and Creation, or the physical and spiritual, are again blessed as “as above, so below”.   In the Talmud, it is recorded that Archangel Metatron can sit before the altar of God Creator to write the merits of Israel (descendants of the righteous).  The Zohar also states that it was Archangel Metatron who took care of the Hebrews after their exodus from Egypt during the 40 years of wandering in the desert.  The number 40 represents 10 multiplied by the equilibrium of the four directions North/Father/Fire, South/Water/Mother, East/Son/Air, and West/Holy Spirit/Earth.  Yod is a Hebrew letter meaning completion as a return to the One (Creator).  It took the Hebrews 40 years because the Israelite tribe had to travel the City Foursquare or the 4 elements of the base of the pyramid of life (fire/spiritual body, water/emotional body, air/mental body, and earth/physical body) as the 4 aspects multiplied by the Yod of completion having been purified from the sins as enslavement in Egypt.  Their exit through the parting of the Red (evil blood) Sea was a re-baptism by Water into a new land and life as sovereign HUmans.

Metatron is the archangel of the Opal Ray.  This color assignment is the 12 Rays, as the complete Merkabah, or 12 rainbow-colored fires of the Father, as the DNA of Divinity now combined to shine as a Crystal Star or Diamond of Perfection.  Cells that have been infused with wisdom shine like facets of a diamond returning to the Creator as infused DNA with the spectrum of universal and pure consciousness; This in alignment with the divine blueprint of the Creator in us.  The terms bolded above reflect the birth and resurrection of the body and soul as shining like the star above the Christ-Mass Manger, or the North Star that returns all to the perfect I AM that I AM.  For this reason, Jewish people also associate Metatron as “the angel of death” or “the angel of the afterlife”. 

Symbolically, Metatron’s Cube is the shape that reflects all the shapes in God’s creation because when all the platonic shapes nest inside one another, the energy of God is represented in an orderly, sacred, comprehensive, and quantitative way.  Archangel Metatron guards the Tetrahedron as the innermost shape in the Platonic Solid Series as the spiritual element of Fire of Creator God. The tetrahedron has 4 faces, which are the 4 Cosmic Forces; They are the pure organic energies that form the Hieroglyph of Spirit described by Ezekiel as the Lion/Fire, Man/Air, Flying Eagle/Water, and Calf/Earth in the Old Testament.  In Greek philosophy, the Hieroglyph of Spirit is also called the Tetramorph, in reference to the Tetrahedron.  The tetrahedron has 6 edges which represent the trinity of matter as Mother/Creation, and trinity of spirit as Father/Creator.  The energy is balanced as Alpha/active and Omega/passive energy that is equalized as the consciousness of Father/Mother God that manifests the fires of the spirit through the 12 aspects.  The 12 aspects multiplied by the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is 36 or 3+6=9, which in Numerology is a cycle of evolution.  36 multiplied by the Yod (10) of the Creator is 360 degrees of perfection, which is the sum of angles in all polygons and the perfection of a circle.  A circle is the symbol for the universal Creator as the zero point from which all creation began. In Hinduism it is called the Bindu.   A circle is also the perfection of the womb of Creation, the constant spheres of ever moving and expanding cycles of conscious evolution, and the central mind of Creator God from which all must return in a perfect spiral of dimensional and energetic transmutation.  Archangel Metatron, therefore, guards the throne of God as Yod He Vau He,  the 10 letters contained in the tetragrammaton of the Creator’s name.  The tetragrammaton is the three powers of the Creator in Father, Mother, and Son (three connecting lines) all reflecting into each other as the universal organic formula of everlasting multiplied expansion of perfection for all eternity.

In summary, as humanity evolves into higher states of perceptivity and unity with the Creator, we begin to align with other patterns of universal awareness; These patterns of awareness promise to connect us to the proper knowing of planetary rotations that will give rise to the wisdom of the 13 month calendar and the importance of the planet, Venus. The Five Platonic Solids, as arms of the Pentagram, mark the organic origins of our species. As the 12 aspects of our DNA evolve to the 13 aspect (Diamond of Perfection), we will mature and join the energetic brotherhood of other galactic species in the universe. The Angelic Realm, which has guarded the maturation of humanity on Earth for thousands of years, is ready to open another door of possibilities. Each of the organic elements , when realized as spiritual elements in third dimensional patterns, empowers our responsibility to appreciate our perfection first, and then that of other sentient beings. The Archangels are always ready to assist anyone who asks for grace. Grace connects what is out of balance, gives us personal responsibility, and makes us act in accordance with what is generously received from the Creator. Grace is a return flow. What we give freely in love, will return as love. The five secret rays of the heart purify our intentions and support the healing of our heart. The Physical Heart, Spiritual Heart and “Secret Chamber of the Heart” are the three phases that, like The Five Platonic Solids, must nest one inside the other. The Secret Chamber of the Heart is the personal responsibility each one of us must make to love others, as we love ourselves. It is in this transformation through wisdom, that we become resurrected Christ Beings (Christ meaning “the illumined one/One”). The glasses of judgement that give karma are finally removed. Our pure hearts (The Heart of the Dove/Holy Spirit) return to the One that promised peace and joy; Jesus/Yeshua, as the Son/Sun and our brother, welcomes us back to the heart of His Father and Mother, as the organic eternal evolution of the creative cosmos.


Orleane, P., & Smith, C. B. (2018). Pleiadian Earth Energy Astrology: Charting the Spirals of Consciousness. Simon and Schuster.

Archangel Uzziel:

Archangel Tzaphkiel

Archangel Haniel:

Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Metatron:
The Heart of “I AM” The Divine Point of Origin by Robyn M. Edwards
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New Moon Doorway to The Lion’s Gate Ascension, 2023


Archangel Jophiel