New Moon Doorway to The Lion’s Gate Ascension, 2023

By Claudia Berenguer

I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago when I learned to trust my Angelic Guides and their direct and indirect messages.

Today, not searching for it, I listened to a podcast by Magenta Pixie. She is a Spiritual Conduit I have been following on Youtube since 2018. She posted a video message from The White Wing Collective Consciousness of Nine which, according to my Spiritual Guides, is a collective of higher extraterrestrial beings in an ascended reality above our 3rd dimensional planet. This “Council” gathers to oversee the development of humanity at this vital time. They posses much higher wisdom and have channeled messages through Magenta for quite some time in preparation for Terra’s ascension. I am posting a transcript of their latest message titled “New Moon into Lion's Gate, July 17th - August 8th 2023 - Tesseract/Metatron - Sovereignty Initiation”. I am passing along this podcast and the transcript, which I have edited rather quickly, because I know it to be of great importance. The message correlates with my last post regarding the Five Platonic Solids, and the Five Archangels of the Spiritual Realm. If you have not read this post (lengthy, I know), please do so to OVERstand and INNERstand what is happening NOW! Every day from June 17, 2023 until August.8, 2023, you will be asked to be THE ARCHITECT of your own ascension. You are NOW being given key codes for Ascension. Please listen and STAND in your power. STAND, spelled backwards is DNA + S for Kundalini Ascension. The dark has always wanted you to UNDER STAND. NOW, IT IS THE TIME TO OVER and INNER STAND AND ASCEND their dark mirror manipulation.

Below is the transcript of Magenta’s video message (link above):
**Please note that I have added parenthesis to this transcript to improve clarity. Magenta has used a “fictional storyline” to avoid being censored by Youtube. The Fae is US or the Starseeds. The Overlords are the dark powers preventing our knowing. Please read or listen fully to know the importance of this calendar event of 2023.

Minute 0:25
“We say to you that your question holds merit for one such as the Seeker following the calling to Way-Shower walking as the Celestially Seated One. The DNA is your powerhouse; Your personal memory bank or vault, shall we say. It is kept under lock and key, and you and only you have access. You are the only Key Holder.  
In order for those fictional characters, you refer to as the Overlords (Dark Hats) in the village to access the vault, they need to maneuver a situation whereby the innocent Fae (Starseeds) willingly give up the sacred key to that vault.  Only then can the Overlords gain access. However, as the DNA is a living structure, a living library of light if you will, with its own intelligence, it can be changed; It can be transformed.
New keys can be generated. It can be changed by the Overlords generating new dark keys, but it can be changed by you the self.
The Fae as you awaken or move into realization of having unwittingly given over the first key, a new DNA sequencing can be created.  Then a new story is thus written, and new keys of light are thus generated. The old DNA becomes thus useless to the Overlords who work on a mono system. Awakened Fae, the celestially seated ones work on a multi-dimensional and Quantum System. Your quest is most appropriate at this time in your current now time moment as you move into the time period of the New Moon, which occurs on or around your date off July 17, 2023. 
However, this New Moon that cometh at your current now time is significant in a somewhat unique sense, for this New Moon begins a new cosmic cycle if you will or indeed series of cycles. We may refer to this as the resetting of the Grand Tesseract. It is the Tesseract related somewhat to the Tetragrammaton within your Galactic Fields as the smaller corner, if you will, of what you may know as a super wave or Cosmic Ribbon that is indeed a dimensional edge. 
As the realities cross by one another and influence one another, for those who may hold a different perspective regarding the shape of your planet which holds true for those who are truly rooted within the belief system within their own personal DNA Vault System, then we say to you that's the firmament is seen.
For the firmament begins to move, glimmer, wobble or shift if you will. This in turn is related within the third dimensional sense as a minute axis wobble or magnetic pole shift.  For those who do not hold defined belief systems regarding the shape and presentation of your planetary Earth and your reality and see the shifting moving malleable state of your creation that you are the architect for then, let us just say that the time of the exodus cometh when you jump from one aspect of the Tetragrammaton so Super Wave dimensional Edge to the other.

Minute 5:33:
Your Earth shape is therefore for grounding and anchoring purposes.  For if you leave your Earth and move to the reality domain that is of your own making, then the shape of your Earth is not relevant when it comes to you creating your own physical reality.
This reality domain is stored within the DNA within the vault that only you hold the sacred keys to. They cannot be passed to another; For at this stage of awareness, there is no other.  You need not give permission to another to read your records (chakras are storehouses of your energetic records) or manipulate your records.  For there are no others. There is only self, and that self is you!
For you are beyond the Earthly Plane at this point and exist within the zero-point field where all is known; All is seen, and all is your creation. This is your hyperspace reality, and this is the stream that shall safeguard you from the infiltration of others via mind, heart, soul self or DNA. Nothing can be used against you when there is only you.
Now we provide the activation and initiation that shall assist in holding secure the hermetic seal that is your personal vault system.  This is and shall be, a cosmic initiation into quantum sovereignty.  The first energetic stance is that of forgiveness generated through emotional heart space fields via the Lilac Angel or the Lilac Ray (Violet Ray).  This the lavender as hue and scent via aromatherapy, or natural herb, and as Amethyst through the Crystal Kingdom.  Delivered to you via the Amethyst Dragon; It is the holding space or reception point for entry to your own personal zero-point domain.

Minute 8:12:
This is a fifth dimensional domain of your creation.  Given to you when you so shall call for it and see it.  This is your Crystal Palace within hyperspace constructed as the Tesseract with predominantly lilac flame plasma and Amethyst crystal.  When we introduce the Tesseract here, as a small corner of the cosmic Tetragrammaton, we speak of the Quantum Cube or the multi-dimensional repeating fractal Square.  This is the cube of light, not the dark Cube or Black Box you may have come across in your travels and journeys within reality and within the mind.  For the darkness utilizes your geometry.  Yet, when you reclaim it, you place a candle at its core, and it lights up from within;  Not can thus touch it, and you have your hermetic seal keep to your vault,  Crystal Doorway to your hyperspace palace in the reality domain of your own making. 
As the architect, you continue to build upon this calling in the Christed structure Queen Sophia, King Christos, the Divine Princess Aurora, Archangel Michael and all of the Archangel hierarchy. When you hold a visceral reaction to this hierarchy, we say to you look again. Have you been presented with the information that the Angelic hierarchy is dark or inverted?  If so, this is truth, but it is one aspect only. It is the one that stretches below, the shadow side full of infiltration yet holding intrigue and power.  This is the eighth sphere or dark Tesseract, Dark Cube.  We ask you to look to the other side and see the light, the color, and the super wave as rainbow ribbon.  Why it is a shard of light, a pulsating living diamond, thus, becometh towards you as you construct the higher layers of your Crystal Palace.  There, you assume the knowing of the Archangel Metatron, the Magenta Ray (aka Ruby Ray) heralded by the Magenta Dragon.  This is your entry into zero-point, and your time is now.

Minute 11:21:
As a Lion's Gate initiation set at culmination point, August 8, 2023, you move beyond the frequencies of the New Moon, and into the most powerful collective initiatory point for your planetary time cycle.  Thus, you discover the Sirian (Sirius Constellation) Self.  The knowing within the DNA of all THAT YOU ARE.  Unlocked by the blue felines, extraterrestrial consciousness at galactic level calls you in;  And as the architect, you build the crystal dimensions upon the Lilac Level of forgiveness.  You hold the Magenta Metatron Angelic Hierarchy and move through a rainbow fluidity of Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimensional harmonic aspects of the density scale.  This is all that is offered to you at the July 17th, 2023, New Moon.  For it is the beginning of the new Grand Quantum Cycle as the Tesseract and as the Tetragrammaton.  For the square is everything, and the square shows you everything.

Minute 12:50
This is why you were called by the Blue (color of the Logos) Square.  The Blue Flame, the Blue Lodge, the Halls of Amenti, for this is your entry point, your doorway to the higher chambers of reason; Where reason moves from the mind to the heart and transforms the mind.  The higher heart (Secret Chamber of the Heart) incorporates the new brain system; That of the beyond the theater genius brainwave flow. 
Your DNA at this point cannot be seen, cannot be known even within your third dimensional testing.  It cannot be seen.  Genetic markers indeed, but the true essence of you becomes scrambled for the viewer.  Even for the advanced Quantum Computing Artificial Intelligence Light System, the inverted light system, the electrical light, the light of sound and frequency with no heart no magnetics.
How can it thus categorize a heart-centered structure without heart itself.  When you know this and see this? Then the DNA cannot be used against you. It cannot be used against the Fey (Starseeds) when you choose to shield them.  For your vault can include those you love, especially the baby Fey.  Yet within this, free will is given to all.

Minute 14:37:
There will indeed be those that are hijackable, yet so too will there be those receptive to your quantum shielding.  Even if they still sleep the slumber of unknowing and unawareness foreign.  If they have unwittingly given the keys to their vault away, then what the Archangel hierarchy that guides them will create a new hermetic seal, a new vault system, and a regenesis thus occurs at the will of the soul involved.
For those who are the architects of these reality domains, who comprehend the Tesseract and the Tetragrammaton we speak of, and we go above the conscious awareness of our own conduit to present this to you at this time; for reasons you will know, if you see who we are (Acturian Council). You know of what we speak, and you hear our words; For we must use the naive to the ancient ways, so that you know you are being spoken to directly not by our conduits; The incarnated human one, but by us the Collective Consciousness of White Light, who are transported by plasma wings of white light.  You know who we are.  For those who are the Architects of these reality domains, who comprehend the Tesseract and the Tetragrammaton we speak of, we present to you the Blue Square.  For this holds four keys to Four Corners.  Each with a library or codex within the vault.  One could see this as elemental Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.  Yet at the time of the great implosion, the inner conjunction, the grand Tesseract Cycle resetting beginning again anew.

Minute 16:57:
Know that Jupiter stands at the core, thus presenting Eather.  We repeat: “know that Jupiter stands at the core”, thus presenting Eather.  For how would you hold the genius flow, if it were not for Jupiter?  Know this to those who hear our words, for you are called.  This is the time of the great expansion of heart, mind and soul, and this is the moment you not only see, know, and embrace zero-point; You also indeed unify with it. 
It is but a dragon's ride away, and you know it as Ascension.  It is dynamic! it is powerful! Yet also it is soft, yielding, and receptive.  The Hero’s Gamos Union within opens the door to your creation of reality, your multi-dimensional domain.  The ribbon of rainbow (Opal Ray) plasma light that is the dimensional edge moving within your own body mind.  And lightening up your physical brain with a new kind of plasma fire never seen before.  For as those you call Overlords, move to halt the progression of the music of the Spheres within humanity's collective vault system, an antidote appears.  Or shall we say an equal and opposite reaction appears, as Golden Light.  This permeates through as a visual and manifests within organic matter as the Tesseract within the physical brain. 

Minute 19:08:
The new brain formation, the new genius flow of the celestially Seeded Ones aka: The Starseeds.  How this plays out in your reality is down to the architect.  Who is the architect? Why the architect is you!  With doorways to the opportunities for all that we speak of at the time of the New Moon, July 17th into Lionsgate, August 8, 2023.”

Minute 19:48:
We are The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine


Roar in Love


The Five Platonic Solids and the Five Archangels of the Spiritual Heart Rays