Archangel Michael

By Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Michael is known as the “Defender of the Faith” and the “Angel of Deliverance.” He is the most revered archangel in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scriptures and traditions. He is known as the “Prince of the Archangels and the hosts of angels.” Archangel Michael helps to serve as a protector against the evil projections imposed upon humanity. Believers call his blue flame of protection against the laggards and Luciferians on the earth plane. His blue flame can cut and blaze into any negative manifestation, and his very name terrorizes dark entities. Archangel Michael's power can be invoked in the form of a shield, cloak of invisibility, invincibility, and invulnerability because he serves 24/7 to protect the enlightened Christ-hood of every man, woman, and child on this planet.

His energy offers us the tender love of Creator God as perfect I AMs. Archangel Michael works with the Throat Chakra, or the Word of God. It was in the powerful Logos of the Creator, that manifestation began as “let there be light.” The Blue Flame of Power reminds and offers protection, safety, truth, and security because as humans, we have the BLUEprint of the Creator within us. Fallen Angels cannot destroy what the Creator creates unless people give consent or are tricked into giving consent. Archangel Michael guards and sponsors all to learn the way of God's Holy Will without evil distractions and negatively programmed illusions that hinder an individual's path towards spiritual ascension.

Archangel Michael sits on the 1st Ray of Protection, Faith, Truth and the Will of God. Appropriately, his archei complement is called Faith. Other spellings of his name include Mikhael, Mikael, Mikail, and Mikhail. Pictorially, Archangel Michael is famously depicted in armor holding a spear in one hand and digging his heel into Satan's throat. Other images show him holding a spear to represent spiritual strength, a banner, or scales to weigh souls. Of all the archangels, Michael is portrayed with exceptional physical musculature and battle uniform to represent his authority and courage as the angelic leader during spiritual battles.

He appears in the book of Daniel chapter 12 as the angel who is called “the great prince” because he will protect and watch over the people of Israel as they struggle to understand and awaken to the truth of God within them in the end times. In Jewish Kabbalah, it is Michael who is said to escort the souls of the dead righteous back to heaven and to counsel those on their deathbeds. Archangel Michael appears in Revelation 12:7 as the promising victorious leader who will fight Satan in the world's final battle against all evil on the planet. In Islam, Archangel Michael rewards the faithful for their good deeds and reports acts of righteousness back to God. In the Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, Archangel Michael is also called Saint Michael. He is considered the patron saint of people in the military, police, security guards, first responders, or those in any field where dangerous conditions can be a factor in their employment. Archangel Michael helps to bring forth justice and truth to humanity. He can dispel fear and offer courage and willpower to anyone facing challenges brought on by temptations that turn into addictions.

When Archangel Michael appears as a recommendation on my reading table, he is ready with Faith to remind my client of his/her personal power as a loving and creative child of God. The act of faith and service to others is a journey of TRUTH AND TRUST. Clarity can be elusive, but when one focuses on the appropriate desire, all is possible and within RE-ach. RE is the solfeggio frequency of Zadkiel, the Archangel of the Violet Flame of RE-alignment and RE-turn to perfection. MI-chael’s name has the frequency of the miracle that is peace of MI-nd. Archangel Michael will always protect against lower energies. There is no greater peace than knowing that your body (sacred space) is guarded and protected by the power of the Creator’s Blue Blame of Truth. All people are the Word or the I AM that I AM. When we trust, the W becomes an L for Lordss of our House. Archangel Michael reminds everyone to keep their house clean of negativity. The MI-nd is the mental body. When our thoughts and actions are righteous, evil cannot enter our Space/Body/Holy I AM. Archangel Michael is the alarm company and security guard that accompanies humanity 24 hours (12 hours of day for Alpha and 12 hours of night for Omega) and 7 days of the week (one day for each physical chakra as the leader of the archangels, and *7 directions of time and space). He will always offer his blue flame of protection to all who are willing to fight personal or etheric demons, temptations, illusions, or any other trick the Falling Angels will use to hurt or damage our frequency to create dis-ease. Archangel Michael will always break all chains that enslave through vices. Vices and addictions are attached to the human body. In addition, traumas can also be addictions that Archangel Michael and his armies of archangels can overcome.

*7 directions of time and space are north, south, east, west, above, below and center

Solfeggio Note of the 7 Archangels guiding humanity and corresponding Chakras:

UT - Gabriel – Base of the Spine/Root Chakra
RE - Zadkiel – Sacral Chakra
MI - Uriel – Solar Plexus Chakra
FA – Chamuel – Heart Chakra
SO/SOL – Michael – Throat Chakra
LA – Raphael – Third Eye Chakra
SI – Jophiel – Crown Chakra

Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Michael:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Michael,

I accept the angel of Blue Flame Protection and Truth where I AM.

With your twin flame, Faith, SO-ULS are guarded against all evil tricks and illusions by the Fallen Ones.

I AM a SO-N/DAUGHTER of Creator God.  I SO-AR in the knowledge of my divine BLUE-PRINT and divine perfection.

I AM INVINCIBLE, INVISIBLE, AND INVULNERABLE to all imperfections, dark magic, tricks, illicit words, actions of separation, hate, addictions, illusions, and situations that lure my senses to anything that is less than perfect on my journey of progression, truth, knowing and discovery of my FAITH and Creator God in MI.

I SO-MON the great blue-lightning love of the infinite FA-THER to SO-ROUND me today and every day.

I UT-ter in RE-verance the Mi-ricle of my FA-bulous, SO-ul body as the intact LA-NGUAGE of SI-metrical perfection reflected in MI.   I SI-ng my perfection - UT, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI.  This song calls all the Archangels of my chakras to perfect MI as MI-chael is HE (He is Hebrew for breath) who is like GOD.

I He-rald the Archangel of the Blue Ray of Power, Truth and Protection to guard my SO-UL as I SO-render and SO-round MI-self to the will of the FA-ther in FA-ith and trust.

Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM

SUMMARY and other Sacred Geometry information related to Archangel Michael:

Planet: Mars
Chakra: Throat (16 petal lotus or 8+8.  4X2 each for Alpha and Omega = Trinity of Spirit plus the Spoken Word + Trinity of Matter plus the Spoken Word).
Color:  Blue
Ray:  1st Ray, the Word  
Sound Frequency: 741 HZ - Aids in self expression and problem solving. Purifies Body and MI-nd, cleanses cells for divine blue-print perfection
Solfeggio Frequency: Note of SO, SOL, expression, and solution (Son, Soul, Soar, Solid, Solidify, Summon, Solve, Surrender, Summer (Fire, the element of Creator God)
Day of the week: Tuesday, Martes in Latin for Mars
Hebrew Letter:  Phe (mouth, breath of light and light of the higher self)
Tarot Card: The Tower - This Tarot card calls all to deconstruct and rebuild the weakest parts of their lives. The Tower of the Son/Sun is indestructible when the Creator is summoned and faith resolves, soars, and is solid.

Essential Oil Association: Sandalwood, Orange Oil, Blue Tansy, Blue Lotus, and Myrrh
Crystal Association: Blue Star Ruby, Blue Sapphire, Alexandrite
Flowers: Forget Me Not
Tree Association: Hickory                                                      

My diffuser aromatherapy recipe associated with Archangel Michael:
4 drops Sandalwood
4 drops Frankincense
2 drops Myrrh or Orange Oil

References: Book “The Masters and their Retreats” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet”,,,

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Archangel Raphael


Archangel Chamuel