Working with Rue

By Claudia Berenguer

Rue, Ruta Graveolens, (Ruda in Spanish) is a perennial herb native to the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. Its small shrub qualities make it ideal for gardeners who often use it as a border plant. In the summer, rue sprouts lovely yellow flowers that attract butterflies and other pollinators to the garden. An ancient plant mentioned in Luke 11:42, its medicinal properties include use as an antibacterial, insecticide, and sedative. Essential oils have been extracted, but rue has been identified as an essential oil to be used with precaution. It must be diluted and should NEVER be used on pregnant or lactating mothers.

The use of rue in my practice is threefold:
1. I use it as a protection herb in the form of a smudge stick.
2. I use it to dispel negative energy; and
3. I use it to break a spell of ill will on a person.

Rue, like Sage and Palo Santo, has long been used as an herb of protection. Its strong odor and flower color make it ideal as a tool of remedy. The yellow color of its flowers is associated with the solar plexus, the energetic center corresponding to personal potential. Dark magic practitioners will use rue in a jinx (trabajito) to prevent a person from achieving goals or success. However, the universe operates on the balance of dark and light. To counteract something that has been done in the dark, the solution is to use the same tool or cleansing tools as an antidote. As with all things in nature, plants have healing energetic properties, but when abused, they can become dangerous. This is the case with rue. In some cultures, rue is still used as a family planning tool.

Something I have found while growing rue in my garden, is that the plant is benign to me while I am handling it. It has been reported that people who grow the plant have broken out in hives or rashes from the sap of the plant, similar to the effects of touching poison ivy. It is my theory that people of low vibrational energy are not meant to handle the plant. It is a plant of wisdom, care, and respect. I use it lovingly to restore power back to my clients when they feel that darkness or evil intent has been placed upon them in the present or through a generational curse. I only use the dry form of the herb topically. It is grown organically in my garden, and no pesticides are ever used. I do NOT recommend ingesting the herb for any reason. When used as a healing tool, the dried form can be burned as a purifier, or rubbed topically on the hands with the intention of forgiveness, release, and a peaceful return of good outcomes for all involved.

I AM grateful to have rue in my cabinet and garden. Powerful energetically and connected to the solar plexus, rue has the healing power needed to return all goodness back into balance.

Please note: The information provided is not intended to be a recommendation or medical advice. Please consult a physician or qualified practitioner regarding the proper use of this herb or any other herb for medicinal purposes.



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