Discover your Animal Totems and their Spiritual Qualities

By Claudia Berenguer

Recognizing and connecting with my animal spirit totems was an aid to my self-discovery as a spiritual healer. For many years, I was called to make frequent trips to Oklahoma. There I fell in love with Native American spirituality and the belief that aspects of our personalities are connected to the nature of animals. I also learned that spirit guides can take on the form of an animal or insect to deliver personal messages of wisdom.

There are many ways to connect with animal spirit totems. One way is through personal intuition. You need to ask yourself, "Do I feel connected to the power of an animal?" This can be through the behavioral quality of the species, stature, habitat, ability, and beauty. Perhaps these are the qualities that inspire you on your own personal growth journey.

Elementals help us recall our oneness with the Creator through His divine and balanced creation. Please honor all elementals and ignore any dark information associated with them. For instance, owls and ravens are not harbingers of death. Lore, false beliefs, and fear have been used to control people’s emotions, and animals have paid the price for ignorance. Be open and know that spiritual guidance can appear in the form of an animal or insect as a sign at any time. These spirit emissaries reveal aspects of the present that need modification, renewal or personal clarity. In a special way, messages can be presented through the nature, behavior and even the color of an animal or insect. Whether an animal has connected with you through dreams, coincidence, family lineage, physical beauty, or nickname, here is a list of their spiritual qualities and expressions in alphabetical order. I also threw in a few mystical creatures for fun.

ANT - Strong, disciplined with a good sense of community. Diligent in accomplishing projects. Loyal & strong in ideas that get the job done.

ARMADILLO — Way shower, sensitive, likes boundaries. Help others find their way, but learn to say No. New roads opening, guard YOU.

BADGER - Persistent and independent will. Be passionate in all projects and align with ideas that you know will succeed. Don’t give up.

BAT — Intuitive, astral traveler. Glide through darkness without fear. Trust your intuition. Your third eye is your sixth sense and sonar.

BEAR — Spiritual strength, knowledge, family protection. Need to hibernate for introspection. Strong leadership abilities.

BEAVER — Masters of strategy. Can be intense and detailed hard workers. Jumpstart opportunities. Motivation to start new projects.

BEE - Believe in miracles. Examine your work ethic and productivity. Bee a productive creator, but also stop and smell the roses.

BLUE JAY — Committed partners, intelligent, patient. Sign of a masculine spirit guide. Be bold, faithful and balanced in any decision.

BUFFALO — Roaming as a free spirit is important. Strength to endure difficult situations to grow in character.

BULL— Determination sometimes through obstinance. Persistence pays.

BUTTERFLY — Harbinger of joyful changes, transformation. Announcer of connectivity with loved ones that have crossed.

CARDINAL — Energetic, passionate, charitable, defensive at times. Angels’ energy surrounds you. Be bold and graceful, spirit will guide results as intuition.

CAT — Resourcefulness, spontaneous intuition to resolve. Playful, but independent. Doesn’t like to be cornered. Goddess magic.

COBRA — As with all snakes, protection and rising transformation towards sovereignty. It can heal or strike when challenged.

COW - Fertility, Goddess Divinity. Emotional support when needing TLC. Calling Mother energy in you or around you for support.

COYOTE — Cunning, teacher, magician. Helps to restore order. Finds humor in dark times. Strength and adaptability to face challenges.

CRAB — Tough shell, but a softie to whoever can crack their resilience. Adaptable achievers, fast learners.

CROCODILE — primal ancient power and strength. I belong here. Deep dive to discover feelings and hidden capabilities. Risk taker.

CROW — Intelligence, higher perspective, luck, and magic. You are evolving into a better aspect of yourself.

DEER — Compassion towards yourself and others. Swift to help but enjoys space and peace.

DOG — Devotion, protection, and service to others. Loyal hearts. Will sacrifice for others.

DOLPHIN — Light language communicator. Friendly, playful, and intelligent. Community creators but can be drained by others emotionally.

DOVE — Gentile, joyful and healing. Feminine sexuality, peace, and sincerity. Heal your heart, spirit guides hear you and will answer.

DRAGON — Intense clarity and purpose. Leaders that carry a strong presence. Fortitude or resilience in times of courage.

DRAGONFLY — Finds positive outcomes. Is flexible and can change patterns to see new perspectives. Color can reflect chakras changes.

DUCK — Sociable, but observers that will speak truth after analysis. Courageous, but likes familiar ground. Honest dialogue in relationships.

EAGLE — Sacred messenger, carrier of prayers to Creator. Spiritual illumination. Ability to see what others can’t. Exploration, power.

ELEPHANT — Brings power and strength to the pride. Will not be ignored. Brings wisdom and majesty. Strong and compassionate delegate.

FALCON - Wise but impatient, studious, fiery, full of knowledge & expression. Ego is too strong, soul must balance. True visionaries with heart.

FOX — Cunning, clever, playful, sexual, and creative. Use humor to avoid confrontation. See through deceptions. Find clever ways to say no.

FROG — Hidden beauty and luck. Pay attention to the messages at night and voice your inner power.

GIRAFFE — Clairvoyance to see the bigger picture while grounded. Holding your head high without ego. You see what others cannot.

HIPPO — Mature mentality, daring, pushes the limits. Bold and creative, can’t be ignored.

HORSE — Personal power, freedom, and passion. Free will expression. Horse energy can overcome and jump over obstacles.

HUMMINGBIRD — Optimistic and playful energy. Symbolize eternity and continuity of all good things life has to offer. Be thankful.

LADYBUG — Inquisitive, open-minded and easy going, childlike simplicity. Good fortune comes to those that find simple joys in life.

LEOPARD — Fearless, cunning, and beautiful. Forgive, forget, and move ahead. Search new opportunities.

LIZARD - Be adaptable and ready for change. Let your intuition guide you without fear. Nothing can be lost only gained stronger with trust.

LION — Protector of a thriving family unit. Energy to face fears and courage to stand for others. Don’t cower to threats disrupting your peace.

MONKEY — Easy-going curious playful energy. Can get discouraged when adventures fail. Monkeys play, laugh, and enjoy life. Be innovative.

MOOSE — Sacred and wise, respected by peers. Courageous and daring when confronted with an air of unpredictability. Be confident.

MOUSE — Inventive and focused. Energy of modesty. Mouse energy calls for motivation to move upon a plan to achieve goals.

OPOSSUM — Protector of children, sensible, strategist. Be still and wait for danger to pass. Be resourceful and don’t procrastinate.

OWL — See beyond illusions and shadows. Energy calling Introspection and discernment. Wisdom attained through study or meditation.

PEACOCK — Wisdom, beauty, hearth, and home are important. Allow others to see your grace and talent. Appreciate your own elegance.

PELICAN — Piety, sacrifice, and charity. Emotional healing and regeneration. Glide over situations and go fish again. Stretch and be patient.

PIG — Determination and abundance. A star well placed and a nose for opportunity. Be persistent, value time and money will follow.

POSSUM — See Opossum

RABBIT — Prosperity and fertility. Creative problem solvers. Don’t give power to fear. Leap to new territories.

RACOON - Intelligence, adaptability, and playfulness. In dreams it may warn of deception. Look at the overall picture and adapt to changes.

RAVEN — Survivor, prophesy, adaptability, and intelligence. Transformation and change. Truth and discomfort make you wiser.

ROOSTER — Bold, confident, persistent personality. Shines at the right moment. Communicate at the appropriate time and shine bright.

SCORPION — Strong believer in rebirth and death. Be determined but careful. Watch for poisonous people, or dangerous situations.

SEA TURTLE — Ancient wisdom, emotional, strong family roots. Be patient, pace yourself. Be an emotional pillar for others, but don’t overdo.

SEAGULL - Voiceful, territorial, but placid. Elemental magic. Settle disputes, meditate to voice opinions subtly but effectively.

SEAHORSE — Valiant, good mediators. Can guide others in times of change. Safe guidance through turbulence. New partnership sign.

SEAL — Pure stable love and happiness are important. Loyal and relaxed in peace. Dare to be bold and step out of your comfort zone.

SHARK — Sharp, survivor, stamina, and hunting skills. Circle the situation in thought for a positive outcome. Find your power and grab life.

SNAIL — Patient, meditative and self-reliant introverts. Get out of your shell with confidence. Leave your unique mark on a project.

SNAKE — See Cobra

SPIDER — Feminine creative energy. Patient, dedicated and industrious. Weave your own reality, you have the magic touch.

STARFISH — Follows inner guidance, intuition, and psyche. Trust your gut feeling. Visualize success, gain clarity, and move with intent.

STINGRAY — Cautious, blends in, dislikes confrontations. Don’t hesitate to take action, let other see you at the right time.

SWAN — Purity, grace, fidelity, love. Love yourself unconditionally. Make connections with others and be creative with your love.

TARANTULA — See spider.

TIGER — Fiery strength, sexuality, good perception. Keep an eye on your goals. Watch your surroundings. They can heal or harm you.

TURTLE — Ancient wisdom, grounded, strong family roots. Be patient, pace yourself and stay grounded in adversity.

UNICORN — Big imagination, pure, mystical, and sincere. Be open to infinite possibilities. Wishes do come true. You are the magic.

VULTURE - Patience, renewal, rebirth. A cycle is ending so be patient. Let go and renew; welcome new challenges, purification and abundance.

WHALE — Devotion, deep awareness, nurturing communicators. Air out what bothers you and heal with natural frequencies.

WOLF — Healing powers, leaders, clairsentient, bold, and wild. Learn to trust, and make your position known. Be free and live your truth.

ZEBRA - Inventive, embrace individuality and are creative. Bring visions to life as you use your powers of innovation and creativity.

Photographed artwork is from artist, Susan Seddon Boulet.

For in depth reading on each animal to include dream signs, , please visit this more complete site here.


Working with Rue