Archangel Uriel

By Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Uriel is a powerful angel that is known for his peaceful counsel and wisdom. Archangel Uriel is a beacon who that can transform our understanding of situations and provide clarity of higher perspective. As the Archangel of Light, he prepares the unfolding of the Light within each soul. He is the Archangel of the Sixth Ray of MI-nistry and Service. He and his Twin Flame, Aurora, guard the dawning of Christ Consciousness in humanity and elemental life. Their work corresponds to the Solar-Plexus Chakra. This is where the concentration of energy is called the “fire” in your belly.

Historically, Archangel Uriel is one of the seven archangels that is mentioned in the canonical religious texts of the world's major religions. His name means God is light, fire of God, or God is my light. Other spellings of his name include Uryan, Usiel, Oriel, and Auriel. He is often depicted holding a sword of fire, representing the light of clarity he can offer when called upon. Other images show him holding a scroll or papyrus as his light offers wisdom. He has also been invoked by name when prophecies need to be interpreted.

Archangel Uriel is the angelic guardian and protector of the Tree of Life, so he is associated with the perfection of the five elements of fire, air, water, earth, and ether, which make up all organic life. In Hebrew texts, he is said to have been the guardian of the Tree of Life after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. He is also credited with being the Angel of the Passover. Archangel Uriel is said to have been the angel who tested the blood-stained doorposts of the Israelites as they attempted to flee Egypt with Moses. The lamb's blood was a marker sign of faithfulness to God without fear and with complete trust. When the deadly plagues pressured Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, the devout Israelites were spared the loss of their firstborn male child, as the future seed of their ancestors. Therefore, he is also called the one who brings light to Israel in difficult and challenging times.

Archangel Uriel is mentioned in the Apocryphal texts which are religious texts that were included in early versions of the Bible. He is mentioned in the Book of Enoch. In Enoch chapter 10, Archangel Uriel warns Noah of the impending flood. In Enoch chapters 19 and 21, Archangel Uriel announces the fate of the fallen angels who rebelled against God, as those who will be judged by the Creator God for their crimes and whose days are numbered. In other apocryphal gospels, Uriel is credited with saving John the Baptist from being murdered by King Herod's order to kill all first-born males when Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. He is also said to have helped reunite Elizabeth with her cousin, Mary, when she and Joseph fled to Egypt to protect their Son. The Apocalypse of Peter describes Archangel Uriel as an angel who listens and transmutes feelings of guilt into feelings of repentance. In the end times, Archangel Uriel is said to be one of the angels who will blow one of the trumpets to usher in the Golden Age and end the reign of the wicked. Uriel also collaborates with the Blessed Mother to protect all future seeds of life.

Archangel Uriel is an inspiring awakening energy for those in the arts and sciences. It is his energy that awakens a respect for the perfection of all-natural organic life and its visual representations in art, as well as the ability to understand the perfection of life in science. For those who were raised Catholic, Archangel Uriel is the angel who oversees the seven sacraments, which is equivalent to him guarding the seven chakras or the Hebrew Tree of Life called the Sephirot. The seven chakras are the energy storehouses of all karma, that, when cleared, help us achieve enlightened illumination, also called Kundalini.

When Archangel Uriel appears as a recommendation on my reading table, he will offer MI-nd illumination to bring peace to any situation. He is a master of transformation, and his energy will bring help in the form of victory over fear to achieve true God-mastery. Archangel Uriel oversees the material aspects of reality. When called upon with love in thought and/or prayer, he will always provide the resolution for success, abundance, wisdom, and clarity to fulfill the desires of the heart in all aspects of growth while in embodiment on a physical plane. Overcoming fear is simply the art of allowing the Creator to do His perfect work in you and letting Spirit take the wheel.

Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Uriel in any situation:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Uriel, 

I accept the Angel of the Resurrection Light where I AM.

Bring MI (solfeggio note) peace, bring MI peace, bring MI peace. I accept the gift of peace.

With your sword of light, guide MI to the divinity of my plan according to the highest good and my perfect divine potential.

Return MI to my original blueprint of perfection as I travel through Time and Space of incarnations.

I allow your sword of light to cut through my fears past, present and future.

Remove any misuse of energy that blocks my perfect I AM.

Open doors to any positive potential as I experience life in a physical body and ignite the Christ flame in MI to experience MI-racles.

Help MI to transmute any energy blockages or trauma and help MI to ascend my present tree of life.

Come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit, come Holy Spirit. Bring MI perfection and transmutation.

Make MI an instrument of Creator’s peace.

I AM grateful, I AM grateful, I AM grateful,

Al-MI-ghty I AM
Al-MI-ghty I AM
Al-MI-ghty I AM

SUMMARY and other Sacred Geometry information related to Archangel Uriel:

Planet: Jupiter
Chakra: Solar Plexus = 10 petal lotus (5+5 = fire, air, water, earth, and ethers in physical form + fire, air, water, earth, and ethers of the spiritual realm)
Color: Gold/Ruby
Ray: Sixth Ray with twin flame Aurora
Sound Frequency: 528 HZ - Divine miracles, self confidence, restores DNA, transmutational love, cell regenerator
Solfeggio Frequency: Note of MI (Me, miracle, mystery, mirror, might, mineral, mind, milk [from the pituitary gland], minister, midwife, midsection)
Day of the Week: Thursday
Hebrew Letter: Kaph (Palm) - the divine forces we channel
Tarot Card : The Wheel of Fortune - message of this Tarot card calls for the change of Karma into Dharma. Everyone is responsible for the creation of their world. Personal thoughts create actions, so co-create divinity for yourself and those around you.
Essential oil association: Musk

Diffuser Aromatherapy Recipe associated with Archangel Uriel for Inner Peace:
2 drops Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
2 drops Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
3 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Research References:
Infuser recipe: via

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Archangel Gabriel


Ascension is the Event that Serves To Mark a Passage from one Stage of Life to Another