Archangel Gabriel

By Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Gabriel is known as the “Angel of Purity”. As the guardian of the Base of the Spine Chakra/Root Chakra, he guards the City Four-Square, or the blueprint of the causal body upon incarnation. The City Four-Square is the foundation of the pyramid of consciousness that will grow the walls of the mental (air), emotional (water), physical (earth), and spiritual (fire) bodies upon embodiment.

Archangel Gabriel salutes every mother-to-be with the joyful tidings of a new baby. Mothers, as co-creators with God, carry a new seed of life to prepare, guide, and love this new creation on the journey of their Christ potential. To know Gabriel is to know the faithful promise that in union with Creator God, a new seed of life can blossom to expand love on a physical and spiritual level to all souls involved in the progression of the UNIverse. Each soul, as an energy potential brought forth, brings with it the promise of love expansion and consciousness for the advancement of pure and perfect organic life. Each newly incarnated I AM is a covenant of fulfillment and selfless service for the added perfection of the balance of love, which is the supreme energy in the universe.

Archangel Gabriel works with his twin flame, Hope. They are archeiai of the Fourth Ray of the Resurrection and the Ascension Flame. These twin flames guard the immaculate blueprint of God's perfect design for all humanity on the planet. Archangel Gabriel is also known as the Angel of Revelation because he delivers important messages through his connections to the material plane. Therefore, people seek his assistance and energy during pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, child rearing, and the delivery of physical objects or verbal announcements.

His name means Creator God is my strength. Other spellings of his name include Jibril, Gavriel, Gibrail, and Jabrail. He is depicted holding a white lily of purity in his hand, but other images show him blowing a horn, holding a lantern, a mirror, a scepter, a shield to protect the innocent, and an olive branch. His color is white for purity, and most people who have experienced his energy describe feeling a white light before making personal contact with him.

Historically, in Luke 1:30-31, Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Annunciation who greeted Mary and announced her favor with the Creator. Gabriel saluted and brought Mary the news that she was a favored woman who would bring forth the promise of the Christ. In Islam, the Prophet Muhammad said that Gabriel dictated the entire Qur’an to him. Muslims also believe that Archangel Gabriel gifted Abraham a stone known as the Black Stone of Kaaba. During pilgrimages to Mecca, Muslims kiss this stone to pay homage to their faith in the Creator. Archangel Gabriel is also credited with announcing the births of Isaac (a prophet in the Old Testament of the Bible), John the Baptist, and Jesus (Yeshua the Christ). A a fierce protector of purity and innocence, Gabriel is credited with the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah at the command of the Creator God. In Daniel 9:22, he also gives Daniel insight and understanding to protect God’s people. In Christianity, Archangel Gabriel's role in the end times will be to blow a horn to awaken the dead (spiritual dead) on Judgment Day

When Archangel Gabriel appears on my reading table, it is a message that Gabriel is ready to help clear up confusion and achieve successful communication with colleagues, family, or peers. However, and most importantly, he offers assistance in establishing positive dialogue related to successfully raising children. A parental prayer to Archangel Gabriel would be to ask this angelic host to anchor and remind the child of his or her highest and best talents. These talents have been developed in previous embodiments and stored in the new causal body. Through encouragement, the child will remember and apply these talents to their present life.

As an angel of communication, Archangel Gabriel serves to help those in teaching positions, counseling, public life, journalism, and postal or delivery services.

Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Gabriel:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Gabriel,

I accept the Angel of Purity light where I AM.

With your sword of purity remove any misuse of energy that blocks my perfect I AM.

I AM love, I AM truth, I AM the perfect Word made manifest.

I hold the purity of the Creator’s flame in my heart.  I recognize the Creator’s flame in everyone around me.

I AM a temple of the resurrection flame. 

I AM divinity admiring divinity all around me.

Archangel Gabriel, with the purity of your counsel, guide my words and actions today to heal, seal, direct and guide God’s highest purpose in me today.

May my intentions be aligned in unity with the highest good of everyone I greet today and everyday.

To know you, is to be in alignment with the highest, best, and most loving possibilities in me and everyone involved in my life’s purpose.

I AM the universe (UT, RE, MI), and the universe (UT, RE, MI) is in all of humanity present and future.

Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM

SUMMARY and other Sacred Geometry information related to Archangel Gabriel:

Planet: Venus – divine proportion and perfection
Chakra: Base of the Spine aka Root = 4 petal lotus (2+2 = fire and air as alpha + water and earth as omega)
Color: White
Ray: 4th Ray with twin flame, Hope
Sound Frequency: 396 HZ - Liberates guilt and fear, turns grief into joy, empowers goals, clears negativity
Solfeggio Frequency: Note of UT (universe, unity, utterance, gut as in good in German)
Day of the week: Friday (viernes for Venus in Latin)
Hebrew Letter: Daleth (Door) - the gate or entrance to inner light
Tarot Card: The Empress - Message of this Tarot card calls for growth, beauty, and possibility in what is naturally already given and endowed in a person. All that is needed is to fertilize this gift as an opportunity.
Essential Oil Association: Magnolia, Rose, Jasmine, Honeysuckle and Vanilla
Tree Association: Olive
Crystal Association: Pearl, Abalone, Emerald, White Topaz, Herkimer Diamond

My diffuser aromatherapy recipe associated with Archangel Gabriel for Purity:
Six drops Jasmine or Rose
One drop Lavender
One drop Vanilla


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