Archangel Zadkiel

By Claudia Berenguer

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the “Angel of Transmutation" and the “Angel of Mercy”. The DNA codes embedded and dormant within us are part of our divine and original human code of creation. As the Archangel of the Sacral Chakra, where the reproductive organs reside, he protects the SACRED CELLF of every human being in embodiment. The sacred cells of the self are formed within a womb of potential in the waters of rebaptism/rebirth into a new embodiment. The Sacral or “Sacred Chakra” supports organic evolution and conscious expansion. Each new human is given the opportunity to unlock his/her chakra evolution of transmutation and transform karma into dharma through the time/space continuum.  

Archangel Zadkiel reveals to humanity the potential to invoke the Violet Flame, whose action has potent and positive renewing effect on the body. Archangel Zadkiel encourages people to choose forgiveness and heal emotional wounds. By releasing the emotional body of these hurts (hertz), mercy and compassion break the energetic bonds of transgression between two parties. To release the heart is to heal the heart with the light of mercy and love. To love is to return all cells back to their perfection in frequency and cellular structure which heals all aspects of the self emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Zadkiel is the Archangel of the 7th Ray, and together with his twin flame, Holy Amethyst, they both serve and guard the Temple of Purification. They also prepare the children of God to become priests and priestesses in the Melchizedek Order. It is in this order, that the physical body can become a “Diamond of Perfection”. He is also known as the “Angel of the Violet Flame”. The name Zadkiel means “Righteousness of God”. He is also known as the “Angel of Benevolence and Memory”. Other spellings of his name include Zadakiel, Zedekiel, Zedkul, Sachiel, Tzadkiel and Hesediel. He is often portrayed wearing a violet robe and holding a flame in his hands. Other religious depictions have him holding a dagger as he is biblically the angel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac.

Archangel Zadkiel is also called the Angel of the Lord because he helped Abraham prove his faith to God when Abraham was tested in Genesis chapter 22 of the Torah and the Bible. It was the Angel of the Lord who cried out from heaven to stop the murder of Isaac and instead provide a ram to satisfy the sacrifice. It was in this act of faith and obedience that Abraham was promised that all the nations of the earth would be blessed through his descendants. The mystical holy book of Judaism called the Zohar, names Archangel Zadkiel as one of the two angels who help Archangel Michael fight evil. The other angel mentioned is Jophiel. These three archangels help fight evil in the spiritual realm and shield humanity from demonic and demoralizing karma that causes injustice.

In the book “The Masters and Their Retreats” written by authors Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, they explain that “Zadkiel refers to the Violet Flame as the universal solvent that the alchemists have sought throughout the ages.” When the Violet Flame is applied to a specific problem, it causes an instantaneous change in the etheric plane, the mental plane, the emotional plane, and the physical plane. The Violet Flame recharges any elemental body that is burdened with discord that can cause “dis-EASE” or disease. The invocation of the Violet Flame dissolves negative conditions and afflictions into a path of healing that nourishes, recharges, and vitalizes the atoms, molecules, and cells of the body. To be at ease is to be in joy and peace which prolongs life and restores color or radiance to the body.

When Archangel Zadkiel appears on my reading table (his solfeggio frequency is the note of RE), it is a message that whatever is perceived as past hurts or injustices, needs to be transmuted (returned to TAU, the center of perfection of our being). Grudges and/or traumatic experiences by others or through situations are RE-flections (mirrors) of karma that need to be RE-disCOVERed, RE-directed, RE-ALIGNed, and RE-MOVED. Moving all perceived grievances or burdens from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies RE-TURNS the body into a state of RE-MEM-BERACE (MEM is the Hebrew letter for Mother/Creation). Membranes hold cells together, and when they are in disarray, the cellular structure of the body feels ill. To com-plain means that your plane of existence is NOT HAPPY! Therefore, to FOR-GIVE is to give your cellular structure the gift of RE-LEASING and RE-ALIGNING all that does not belong

Within the vibrational harmonies of the Violet Flame, ALL LIGHT in the physical octaves of CELLF can be aligned and transformed to their ORIGINinal perfection as SACRED and F-REE.


Simple prayer I wrote to summon Archangel Zadkiel:

In the name I AM that I AM, in the name of Archangel Zadkiel,

I accept the Angel of Transmutational Violet Light where I AM.

With your sword of mercy RE-MOVE any misuse of energy that blocks my perfect I AM.

I call the Violet Flame to RE-TURN my body to perfection in ease of mind, body, and soul.

I AM love, I AM truth, I AM the perfect Word made manifest written within all my DNA.

With the violet light of transmutation, I bow in mercy and forgiveness of myself and others.

I forgive, RE-LEASE, and love my enemies, or those that have caused pain or disease.

I AM RE-CHARGED in love.

I AM transfigured in love.  I accept love.  I accept perfection and heal my CELLF.

I AM the light of God now shining every hour freeing and RE-GENERATING myself and those around me.

I AM F-REE from injustice.  I AM F-REE from past, and present burdens that have blocked the perfect flow of energy within all my chakras. 

Blaze the Violet Flame in all that is physical and material and RE-ALIGN perfection all around me today.

Thank you for answering my call immediately and eternally.

Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM
Beloved and grateful I AM

Summary and other Sacred Geometry information relating to Archangel Zadkiel:

Planet: Saturn
Chakra: Sacral = 6 petal lotus (3 +3 = trinity of matter + trinity of spirit)
Color:  Violet
Ray: 7th Ray
Sound Frequency: 417 HZ - facilitates change, clears negativity to manifest true and positive intentions, clears traumas
Solfeggio Frequency: Note of RE (return, regenerate, remove, realign, respect, regenerate, return, reproduction, reveal, renew)
Day of the week: Saturday (Sabado, Latin for Saturn)
Hebrew Letter:  Tav or Tau – a return to perfection of creation
Tarot Card: The World - message of this Tarot card calls for life changes and enhancements to return to order and peace. Spontaneity is a return or re-emphasis to reunite with Spirit and reach goals.
Essential Oil Association: Rosemary, Violet, Lavender, Lotus, and Geranium
Tree Association: Yew
Crystal - Amethyst

My diffuser aromatherapy recipe associated with Archangel Zadkiel for transformation:
4 drops lavender essential oil
2 drops geranium essential oil
1 drop rosemary essential oil

References: Book “The Masters and their Retreats” by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet”,,,

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