Quantum Breath - The Living Breath of Mother Sophia

By guest author, Jeanene Tips

Robert Grant explains the area of the brain known as the hypothalamus, or the thalamus,
the wedding hall, or the Hall of Brahman. Click here for video @ 1:11
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The optic nerves, from the right and left sides of the brain, crisscross each other @ the pituitary gland, which sits directly in front of the pineal gland. The pineal gland sits higher in the brain than the pituitary gland. As we breathe, parts of the brain actually go up and down, expanding and contracting like a heartbeat.

When we take in a breath the front part of the brain actually lifts and raises the pituitary gland up so it can be on the same level as the pineal gland. If you can raise the [particle] pituitary gland, which is the magnetic-feminine principle, to the same plane as the [anti-particle] pineal gland, which is the electric-masculine principle, you get an electrical connection which is the alchemy that holds the connection of form. This controlled quantum breath is the code that changes the pulsing momentum and charge of your frequency field.

The breathing that aligns these 2- glands creates an alchemical union between the 2-hemispheres of the brain, which activates the 3 rd Eye. This in-breath, turning ON, breathing in the GOD particle and out-breath, turning OFF exhaling the anti-particle emulates the in-breath and the out-breath of GOD; which spans an EON. The space between the breaths, when the pituitary rises to shake hands with the pineal, creates a zero-point field that emanates LoVe. Robert concludes that, “When the expression of your LoVe supersedes your desire for one objective truth then YOU reach nirvana; or en-light-en-MEnt.”

His Radiance, St. Germain, said the most powerful word in all of creation is I AM.
Together As One, we are going to breathe in on I and out on AM.

Together As One, put your hand(s) on your heart, breathe in through your nose, inhaling, “I”. Feel the front part of your brain raising the pituitary gland to be on the same level as the pineal gland, then hold your breath and let them !*! spark !*! Expand that electrical starlight spark to fill your halo with light. Propel that breath out through the mouth pushing the air of “AM” out. Let us breathe, Together As One, with the intention of magnifying ourcellves with LoVe and Light. We came to earth to learn how to manipulate energy.

Thank YOU for this gift of (I) AMazing GRACE.
I Ordain this under GRACE.


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