The Power of Dragon Symbols

By Claudia Berenguer

Dragon symbols have been used by both the Dark and the Light for millennia. As a mystical creature, the dragon has been prized for its imagery, often associated with power, strength, and might. Dragons are among the most celebrated of mythological creatures, with stories of them appearing in many cultures from Asia to Europe. Unfortunately, the dark occult has misused dragon imagery to provoke fear under the guise of human sacrifice, destruction, and control. As we continue to transform the darkness into the light of the Golden Age on Terra, let us now reflect and revisit the purity of truth hidden within the nature of the Dragon and what that means in our lives.

The Dragon in Meditation or as a Spirit Animal:
To see a dragon in meditation, is to recognize it as a symbol of personal alchemy in a new and stronger level of communication and communion with Source and higher Beings of Light. The dragon is a creature of higher knowledge, for God created it to symbolize the strength of His creation in personal will and power. The dragon is the ultimate symbol for those who seek Truth; therefore, to see a dragon is to faithfully trust in the knowing and trusting of personal spiritual guides who work to reveal the power within your Higher Self in the evolution of your soul. The Dragon as a spirit animal calls for intense clarity and purpose. People born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the Dragon carry a strong presence as ambitious, self-made, outspoken, and fearless leaders. When a Dragon appears in your life, it may be a time to express resilience and resourcefulness during personal challenges. To learn more about Spirit Animals, click here.

The Eye of the Dragon:
The Eye of the Dragon symbol is the eye of knowledge when combined with the strength of God.  The Dragon is a creature of higher knowledge and a powerful advisor.  To possess the Eye of the Dragon is to comprehend the delicate equilibrium of spirit and matter working as one.  The pineal gland, as the throne room of our connection to the spiritual, works to grow our mystical abilities.  This, combined with the pituitary gland, which grows our physical body, work in tandem to expand the kingdom of God through personal action. As the sole creators of our destiny, we set the stage for expansion through love within our energy field (auras).  We do this knowing that love is the most powerful energy in the universe.  To co-create is to welcome others into the action of love, not through manipulation or force by our ego dragons, but through compassion and the intention to expand a stronger kingdom through the holiness of God in those around us.  This is why the eye of a Truth Dragon is depicted as a complete circle with a dot in the center.  When you see the truth of the Creator within you, you can see the surrounding perfection of everyone and everything around you as a one complete circle of life that sustains, radiates, and has foresight into future creation.  Our physical eyes reflect this powerful truth.  Although a dragon's physical eye is a slit, see it as the union of the two polarities of spirit and matter now united as Love Creation.

Dragons and Nature:
Dragons are a powerful reminder that we all have destructive as well as creative abilities. The dragon is, in a sense, a pentagram symbol of the five elements. It is depicted as a physical being (earth) that can fly (air), breathe fire (fire), and navigate over a sea/see (water) of consciousness that is reminiscent of the perfect dance that is Nature. The dragon can cause destruction through the ego, as in those who defy or imitate the laws of nature. We have seen what the splitting of an atom can do, and how it can have apocalyptic effects when it is not in natural calibration. The destruction of perfection will only cause pain and possible demise. Therefore, a dragon can be your best friend or your worst enemy if the heart is not purified by the grace of love as an element of pure and heartfelt intention. Those who compete with the Creator or manipulate nature for personal gain will ultimately be destroyed by the fire of their own damnation when the Beings of the Ethers intervene.

Dragons and the Sacred Feminine:
Dragons are mystical and pure; they are eccentric and beautiful. Women exemplify their nature in many ways. Women are associated with the fire of the hearth, or the warmth of the home. In many cultures, women are the mystical record keepers of family lineage and are the creative muses behind prized recipes and curative herbal remedies. Women as Dragon Mothers in their homes co-create and expand the physical family, the spirit of the family through gratitude, the air of love within the family and are fountains of affection that sustain emotional growth within the family unit. Dragon Mothers serve as powerful guides and teachers to their children. Women hold the codes of divinity that grow hearts both physically and spiritually. To acknowledge the Sacred Feminine is to be associated with the magic of the Holy Spirit, for she is the communicator for those who seek union with the Divine, as the heart of the physical Dragon evolves into the spiritual heart of the graceful Dove. The Annunciation of Mary is the perfect example. Mary's heart gave birth to the Christ Child who grew to spread the fire of truth throughout the planet. The Evolution through her womb began the revolution of consciousness towards the Golden Age.

The Heart of a Dragon:
The dragon was a creature of nobility, often used in banners and coats of arms.  To follow someone who had the Heart of a Dragon was to recognize them as noble fearless leaders fighting for a just cause.  As the Golden Age moves forward, it is time to embrace the Heart of a Dragon.  Terra/Earth as a planet is raising its consciousness and asking its collective human consciousness to expand the pure and noble light of our Golden Hearts.  This is the NOW time to fly our banners of nobility before the Spirit of the Creator and His Creation working as ONE.  Terra/Earth as the true Dragon Mother is once again awakening from her inner core to palpitate higher energy vibrations known as the Shuman Resonance.  Our hearts must now collectively expand to bring the Christ/Crystal Light of our own purified fields to create a Unity Grid.  As we embrace the righteous battle to protect our planet, Mother Earth becomes the Mother Heart Dragon, accelerating her vibration through sacred sites and ley lines.  This is to purify the nobility within us, to recognize our sovereign oneness as Terrans, and to stop the destructive forces that seek to exploit her and diminish the light of her children. 

The Dragon Breath:
The Dragon Sacred Breath is the experience of breathing in oxygen into our blood.  The blood holds our genetic DNA, which is nourished by the conscious learning renewal of our daily life in the schoolroom of experience.  Breathing is the activity of raising the temple of our souls daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly within the sacred rhythm of the geometric universe. The physical self-expands the golden rays of the Son/Sun as we amplify through karma and realign into Dharma.  The Dragon Breath, through connection with the Divine, can be practiced through meditation, prayer, exercise, singing, music, or energy practices such as Tai Chi.  The Dragon Breath is a healing I AM heart activation that brings dimensional equilibrium and forgiveness to our chakras that store good as well as traumatic experiences.  To forgive (FOUR GIVE) is to cut all the cords that bind us dimensionally through time in known and unknown timelines, dimensions and spaces with people and places that we perceive as harmful on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level.  To Four Give is to release and let go of all oppression, arrogance, separation, outdated thought patterns, programming that teaches victimization, tension, war, guilt, blame, shame, judgment, jealousy, hate, suffering, manipulation, spite, self-serving control, and anger as examples.  The Dragon Breath connects us to Spiritual Beings such as Archangels and Legions of Light who heal and transmute any mis-qualified energy as our heart finds the wise compassion to cut through reactions and transmute them into loving actions. The Dragon Breath is the activity that brings to light issues that are a Drag On in our lives to empower self-healing. Controlled breath changes the pulsating momentum within our energy field to charge and tap into the activation of our Third Eye. Activating the Third Eye through the true breath of appreciation with the Creator brings about en-light-en-MEnt. Read about the magnificence of Quantum Breathing here.

In this year of 2024, through the power of self-healing will, I wish all of humanity the Eye of the Dragon for the future building of this planet.  May the Dragon of Nature continue to call its perfection and protect the heart of Mother Terra and all future Terran Mothers to grow and expand future warriors of light as they carry the banner of the Dragon Heart to protect our human species.  As the Holy Fire Breath of the Dragon, I call upon future generations to awaken their perfect potential through their Third Eye to see and sail through the waters of love expansion as we unify with our numerous brothers and sisters in the Universe and higher dimensions.  Welcome to the Golden Age of the Dragon.  Welcome Golden Hearts into the new octaves of light that have dissolved the lower timelines, the lower astral portals and have cleared the duality of a chessboard into only white and pure light.  The Light has won, and the Truth that is the Dragon flies again.

I AM the new symbol of the Dragon. 

I AM the new manifestation of all that the Dragon encompasses. 

I AM sovereign, flying above the deceptive fog of controlled consciousness.

I AM powerful; I reign supreme above deception with the company of Archangels and Ascended Beings.

I AM the true fire breath of purity co-creating a new reality.

I AM the Wise Sophia, Mother of Dragons, now activating the evolution of humanity into the Golden Age.

I AM the sacred fire essence of the Creator within me.

Creator God is the pure energy of the UNIverse.  A beginning spark of creation that has evolved to create many more sparks that will continued to exist and evolve for all eternity.

I AM Creator’s Sacred Breath, Sacred Heart, Sacred Nature, Sacred Eyes co-creating through the transitions of space and time.

Almighty Dragon I AM
Almighty Dragon I AM
Almighty Dragon I AM

Artistic rendition by Negra Waridi. Follow her on here.

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