What is Sacred Geometry?

By Claudia Berenguer

Sacred Geometry is the science of universal expansion.  It is the original blueprint of God Creator expressing basic elements to add, multiply and expand the universal mind of all that is called “Organic Creation” from the basic microcosm to the macrocosm.

Sacred Geometry is the language of shapes that force self-organization.  It is in the knowledge of shapes, angles, and numbers, that constants are explained as uniform ever-expanding cycles of physical and spiritual evolution. 

Sacred Geometry is everywhere because all life has cellular frequency, and frequency has balance, structure, harmonic vibration, and pulsing life energy.  Sacred geometry measures the harmonic vibrations that sustain life for the comprehension of self-healing and preservation.

To know sacred geometry, is to reflect and contemplate the diversity that is God as a Creator and the power of universal order.  Author, Katya Ki in her website www.solancha.com states:

“The science of sacred geometry combines the material aspects of creation with the spiritual essence.  It is the interaction of the visible and the invisible, the manifested and the unmanifested, the finite and the infinite.”

Sacred Geometry on Earth established the structure of all core science, math, music, architecture, art, philosophy, astrology, astronomy, chemistry, natural medicine, and law.  Sacred Geometry is the language of the Ancients, the Ascended, the Masters, and the Alchemists from time past to the present.  We looked to the wisdom of these Ancient Masters to keep us in a state of awareness of who we are as a people and where we originate.  Sacred geometry is the key to the structure of the repetitive pattern of the universe and the universal order of things.

Sacred geometric ratios have been used to design the most coveted masterpieces of the world, the greatest melodic symphonies, and majestic cathedrals.  We have admired sacred geometry in the perfection of sculptures, and even plastic surgery as a form of ideal beauty.  The ancient Egyptians in the design of the pyramids can be credited for the most spectacular display of Sacred Geometry.  The ancient Babylonians, Hebrews, Greeks, Romans, and Indian cultures used geometric patterns of divine proportion to favor “the Gods”.

However, most importantly, Sacred Geometry is the language of LOVE.  It was in the desire to create, that Creator gave life to the universe.  Everything good in the universe is love expansion because to love is to live and honor all life. We are all expressions of that which created everything around us to help us experience all aspects of beauty and perfection as expressions of our I AM.  From the intricate construction and beauty of a blade of grass, to the creation of a new star system, we are extensions and expressions of divinity.

The breath of the Creator in us as our eternal soul, gives us the opportunity to exist, gain wisdom from the responsibility of our actions, and express all aspects of love through what is called the “Holy Spirit”. Love gives us harmony, balance, appreciation, goodness, and consciousness for the best possible outcomes in every experience of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. 

It is through our own sacred geometry that we experience God in all aspects of natural order.  Everything that is harmonious helps us to experience energy.  Energy as expressed in the four basic elements of fire, air, water, and earth gives us direction, delicate proportion, and a plane of existence to know our oneness with everything that exists in the ever-expanding etheric plane of the cosmos.

Sacred Geometry is ME, US, WE. 


I AM a perfect divine formula.
I AM co-existing with other divinity to experience TIME and SPACE to broaden my horizons.  
My senses navigate the continuum of energy expression, and help my I AM grow in love and consciousness. 
I AM expansion energy that is eternal. 
I honor the perfection of the sacred shapes that gave rise to the building of the formulas and ratios that created the UNIverse as ONE.
I AM and honor the SACRED GEOMETRY that is found in all things that sustain life. 
I AM love in the awareness and consciousness of all that is made by the Creator.
I honor this perfection.  I LOVE MY CELLF.  I love and honor cellular memory. 
I will remain constant of ALL that is sacred in the perfection of the Universal Creator through the geometry of all that exists within and around me, ever evolving and world enfolding forever.

Beloved and Mighty I AM
Beloved and Mighty I AM
Beloved and Mighty I AM

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