By Claudia Berenguer

This simple comparison of what is ego versus soul is a powerful reminder of how we can all reflect on our growth as human beings. The ego mind is called the Fool in the Tarot. It is our job to unite spirit and matter, or heaven and earth, in comprehension as we journey through life. The question is, how do you plow the land and fertilize the mind? The advice is simple: don't be fooled by illusion, co-create as a creator, let go of expectations, and grow your I AM through your Higher Self..

Th text below is by an unknown. I Found this image and text on Pinterest.

Ego seeks to serve itself. SOUL seeks to serve others.

Ego seeks outward recognition. SOUL seeks inner authenticity.

Ego sees life as a competition. SOUL sees life as a gift.

Ego seeks to preserve self. SOUL seeks to preserve others.

Ego looks outward. SOUL looks inward.

Ego feels lack. SOUL feels abundance.

Ego is mortal. SOUL is eternal..

Ego is drawn to lust. SOUL is drawn to love.

Ego seeks wisdom. SOUL is wisdom.

Ego enjoys the prize. SOUL enjoys the journey.

Ego is cause to pain. SOUL is cause of healing.

Ego rejects Creator God . SOUL embraces Creator God.

Ego is ME. SOUL is WE.


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