LION’S GATE; 8.8.2023
We are stepping through the 8.8 Lion’s Gate of Christed energy into the realm of spirituality and infinite possibilities. We are warriors of spirit who incarnated at this time to be living keepers of the frequency of peace; in a world of God in action. Click “Read More” to learn about this amazing time in the history of our planet.

SUMMER SOL·st·ICE 2023 in the year of the WATER RABBIT
On the Summer Solstice 2023 in the year of the Water Rabbit, fire and water combine to create fluid light which are magnificent streams of diamond light codes ready to illumine and repolarize our physical bodies into Christ Consciousness. This unique date on June 21st, 2023 promises the ignition of our chakras into the process of our multidimensional transformation. Are you ready? Manifest and ground your heart flame in preparation of this important date. Click “Read More” for the full decree.

Leaving the Scene Spheres of Separation
YOU present this journey for the most amazing realizations. It takes great strength of mind and fortitude of character to persevere no matter the revelations or changes your Soul chose to come in harmony with. Nothing is as it seems. Wake up from the dream of separation, it is not real. Allow the portal of separation to dissolve into the portal of self. Click “Read More” to read the full decree.

I AM The Ruby in the Heart of God
This decree calls forth the Masters of the Karmic Board and the perfection of the law of Karma to campaign for personal spiritual progression. They can take you all the way to the paradise of ascension NOW through the power of the Ruby Ray in the Secret Chamber of your heart.

I AM the Architect of My Being
2023 is bringing an awareness of mastery within our own castles. Many are asking or questioning “What have I built?”, “Where am I going?”, and “Where is love?”. In this decree, I was given answers by my Ascended Masters and Guides. The letters that spell LOVE can mean “Living One Vibrational Experience”. We are all vibrant frequency of the ONE. Our Being is our castle so be kind. Trust that in this last incarnation before the Aquarian Age, what matters (you being physical matter) is loving Creator through yourself as all the directions of perfection, organic elements of divinity, and mirror reflection of divine and expanding LOVE.

The Heroes’Journey into the Shift of the Ages
This decree reminds you to say “I AM a Master Magician. I AM MAGIC in a realm that has forgotten that it too is MAGIC.” February 2, 2023 or 2/2/23 is a high holy day to call the Magic Sword of Victory over darkness. Abracadabra!!!

Come Holy Light Come
This decree is from a message I received through meditation of February 21, 2021. It was lovingly dictated to me by Archangel Michael to manifest love and work daily on growing, activating, and strengthening the pineal gland. This short and simple decree calls the energy of the Holy Spirit. It is to be said daily. Press the Read More link to see the full decree.

I AM - WE ARE - Decree to shatter the illusion of a matrix.
Decree by my friend and author Jeanene Tips

Activate your Crystalline Energy on the Year of the Rabbit 2023
January 22, 2023 is the Lunar New Year of the Water Rabbit.
This decree calls in high crystalline energy to activate and celebrate the materialization of personal miracles during the progressive and abundant energy of 2023.
by Jeanene Tips

Water Elemental Decree
Water is fluid energy in manifestation. This decree calls the water element to balance physical points of energy and adjust cellular structure. Water is a key element to the heart. Blood is consciousness, and DNA is GOD CREATOR’S signature in you.

Grounding Decree
This decree grounds the love in your heart flame with the love in the heart flame of the planet and the GOD SUNS and receives their love back through the loop of infinity to your heart flame.

My Favorite Decrees of Protection and Transformation
One of my favorite decrees calling protection daily is by Elizabeth Clare Prophet from The Summit Lighthouse. In this post, I also share a powerful decree/prayer to call spiritual help to protect your seven directions and center before any meditation. Read more here and may the Holy Spirit surround you and bring you peace always.