My Favorite Decrees of Protection and Transformation

By Claudia Berenguer

There are several decrees I can recommend by Elizabeth Clair Prophet. My favorite decree is one I call for protection called “Tube of Light” . There is a long version and a short version of this prayer. Here is the short version I use to call God’s light around me every day:

“Beloved, I AM presence bright, round and seal your tube of light. From ascended Master’s flame, called forth now in God’s own name. Let it keep my temple free from all discord sent to me. I call forth Violet Fire to blaze and transmute all desire. Keeping on in freedom’s name till I AM one with the Violet Flame. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM.”

I love how this prayer begins with “Beloved, I AM presence bright”, which calls love and appreciation of the self first and foremost as an extension of God. Next, it calls the light of your auric field to align with the flame of Ascended Masters in the name of God Creator. Any discord is asked to be dismissed or forgiven and calls for transmutation through the Violet Flame. This returns you to freedom again as a beloved child of Creator God.

Another beautiful and simple prayer is to thank all the 7 points of light around you.
Here is my version:

Thank you Archangel Michael for protection and beauty on my right.

Thank you Archangel Gabriel for protection and beauty on my left.

Thank you Archangel Uriel for protection and beauty before me.

Thank you Archangel Raphael for protection and beauty behind me.

Thank you Archangel Chamuel for protection and beauty above me.

Thank you Archangel Jophiel for protection and beauty below me.

And Thank you Yeshua for standing at the center of my Four Square and gracing me with wisdom, the love of your Mother, and power of your Father in heaven. And so it is.

There are several versions of the prayer above, as it has been said in different ways and by different cultures over the centuries. The Mayans thanked the gods of the wind by blowing a conch shell in the four cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west. The 7 total directions (North, South, East, West, Above, Below and Center) are the 7 points of light of the octahedron that form our Merkabah. The 7 directions in Hinduism are also the 7 chakras that store the gained consciousness as wisdom from past lives. This prayer acknowledges the Archangels’ help and the surrounding beauty we have been given to grace our senses. We are a sacred space made to love the beauty of this experience as we continue to gain order and wisdom from the universe on this journey through time.

Please explore the Summit Lighthouse to learn more about the work of Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The Violet Flame, and the amazing Spiritual Army we have at our disposal is always ready to be called upon to bring forth light and love into our terrestrial experience. We are immensely loved. We are never alone. And, we are heard and seen by the angels who stand ready to assist us in our every need. We can also call upon the Holy Spirit for unity and harmony in our minds and hearts.

“Come Holy Spirit Come”, “Come Holy Spirit Come, “Come Holy Spirit Come”.


Grounding Decree