Break the Illusion of Fear

By Claudia Berenguer in loving communion with Archangel Michael

Fear is defined as an unpleasant feeling caused by the presence of a perceived danger that causes stress, anger, anxiety, and even illness. Often this perceived danger can appear in the sources we read, the social media we subscribe to, or the chatter of family or friends who cling to old patterns of illusion. Fear is a powerful tool for manipulation. However, fear can be defeated with faith, love and trust in our hearts. The Dark likes to use fear for control. In contrast, Source gives love, for there is no darkness that the Light cannot defeat. Trusting the Creator is a task of devotion and realization. With this in mind, Archangel Michael shared this loving decree with me. It is a reminder of our angelic lineage. We are a powerful light as children of the Creator. Decree these powerful truths for attunement and protection.

You are a shield of light under the protection of Archangel Michael, declare and remember:

  • I AM a being of light that breaks all illusion.

  • I AM loved and love allows me to see truth.

  • I AM in my own power.

  • I consent to only that which is imperishable, honest and truthful to my heart.

  • I AM aware, alert and dismiss illusion or negative programming.

  • I AM aware and sovereign of my mind, thoughts, and perceptions.

  • I AM breaking away from all that does not serve me.

  • I AM building a foundation of strength in my own reality of conscious truth.

  • I AM a sacred temple of Father/Mother God energy attunement.

  • I AM a temple of prayer and gratitude.

  • I AM a strong being of purpose.

  • I AM a building block of eternal truth for myself and others.

  • I AM a pillar of strength.  My spine is connected with the energy of all that is righteous, pure, aligned and wrapped in love. 

  • I AM a stronghold in a world of my own reality.

  • I AM growing in awareness of all that is truth and truthful to me in my journey of learning.

  • I AM climbing to reach my heaven.

  • I AM at peace as only peace unfolds all in a flow of harmonized energy.

  • I AM fulfilled.

  • I AM anointed.

  • I AM in prayerful manifestation, and I AM connected to the archives of truth and light.

  • I AM engineering my own reality to progress, to evolve, and to form my own blueprint of consciousness.

  • I AM sovereign.

  • I AM free.

  • I AM connected to divine council always.

  • I AM one heartbeat away from Father/Mother Gods’ consciousness and love.

  • I AM complete.

  • I AM holy and anointed with truth through my own Akashic Records.

  • I AM embracing my ascension path.

  • I AM flowing love energy and self-healing.

  • All this I AM, forever I AM, love I AM, so be it.

Beloved I AM (3X)

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LION’S GATE; 8.8.2023